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Interesting game but the combat and abilities are so focused on stealth and ammo hording that half the time it feels pointless to do and as a stealth game its not good compared to like Styx, thief, or any actual stealth series.

Its very pretty but its a boring ass game to play

better than the sequel i think

clunky shooting system. Adam's a jerk

Thoughts on the game or the director's cut? The game is really great, especially because it came out in what is in my opinion the most braindead era of video games. The director's cut is a pile of shit though.

cool protag. game too easy. boring. story weird.

Did they change much in Director's Cut?

I still have the original version on Steam and I was wondering if it's worth upgrading

>removed the dildo on that mattress in the sewers
Literally unplayable

It's a lot of fun if you try to break it in every way you can. Sequence skipping by climbing on shit you shouldn't, fucking with the AI, getting through doors that should be locked etc.

Improved Textures
The Missing Link DLC is now fully integrated into the base game.
Option to start New Game where previously selected Augmentations will carry over, similar to the New Game + mode of modern videogames. Weapons from the previous playthrough will be gone.
Overhauled Boss Battles, now enabling the player to be more pre-emptive and tactical when confronting bosses.
45 Minute "Making Of" video.
Around 8 hours of commentary from Eidos Montreal
By default Jensen will be able to regenerate two energy cells on all but the hardest difficulty.
Players can now use Jensen’s augmentation powers more freely.

idk i never did that i tried playing it normally and it was so boring i wanted to shoot myself.

It's not. It uses an earlier version of the game from before the original was even released because they lost the later builds (literally no idea how a company could fuck up this badly but that's the excuse they gave). A lot of shit is broken, lighting doesn't work properly in a lot of places, shadows aren't implemented correctly, it's buggier in general, there are some other graphical effects that don't work the way they should that I can't remember off the top of my head. All of these changes they tried to pass off as a "remaster" which is why people like think there are improved textures even though there aren't. They also removed the piss filter, which aside from being a bitchmade artistic compromise for the worst kind of faggots in the consumer world, also makes a lot of shit look terrible because the lighting was designed for the filter to be there. So apart from the lighting not even working properly in the first place, it also doesn't have the post processing to fall back on.

It's fun if you're the kind of guy who likes to read people's emails.

Trash with a piss filter. It's like the director of breaking bad snuck into eidos montreal one day and held the developers at gunpoint and told them to do so.

I feel like you don't know what breaking bad is.

Interesting story and had good world building. The ending was a mild letdown.

not a half bad

I never asked for this

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It's not Deus Ex

>i wanted to shoot myself
You should've done just that.

It's unironically more Deus Ex than IW is, and this is coming from someone who actually likes IW (it is definitely not a good game though)

the first is better but I enjoyed it

The gunplay is fucking trash, I wouldn't use anything besides the stun gun and a heavy weapon for bosses

The hacking minigame is addictive as fuck

XP being rewarded based on if you go lethal or non lethal is fucking retarded

what makes IW poor Deus Ex game?

I'm assuming whatever I say you're going to come back with some shit like "BUT IT HAS MEANINGFUL CHOICES", like cool that's great and all, but the thing about Deus Ex is that it's also good and is fun to play. Meaningful choices are worthless when the mechanics of your actual game are trash.

Good game. I just don't like the last parts of it.

>Director's cut
Unironically bad. And I'm still mad they pulled the original version off

>ayy lmaos

Get the original off a pirate site, the golden filter is an important part of the art direction despite the whining from retarded journos.

Also this is the best Deus Ex game.

lol no it isn't

very valuable post user