*posts the only good yugioh video game in you're path*

*posts the only good yugioh video game in you're path*

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Step aside.

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Huh? I don't see Falsebound Kingdom anywhere

Uh.... based department??

You have to be joking, this is one of the worst games I’ve ever played.

Why is it the best YuGi games don't even follow the standard ruleset?

Step aside, both of you.

Attached: gameboy-advance-yugioh-destiny-board-traveler-3-karten-neu[1].jpg (505x502, 134.86K)

That's not WCT 2005.

>laughs in best game

Attached: Capsule.png (640x905, 1.48M)

>too dumb to enjoy simplicity
that's a yikes, sweetie

Manageable levels of power creep.

I remember talking about this game with a pal in elementary school all the time.
And roleplaying as DBZ characters during recess.

This is the best game you dolts

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh-Legacy-of-the-Duelist-Link-Evolution.jpg (768x768, 114.4K)

Step aside nigga.
>first YGO game to have Expert Rules
>24 Duelists
>excellent OST
>all dem cards
Shit nigga, it even has SOUL right in its name.

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Stairway to the destined duel or gtfo


this is acceptable as well

More like the definition of soulless.

all cards no soul. At that point playing the physical TGC is better.

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Dark Duel Stories made me learn how to play the game proper.
I always wanted this game as a kid

I played this recently and it was fun at first when you're just fusing monsters every turn but then it turns to complete shit later on.


Power of Chaos.... home...

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Cool game, could have been a lot better.

>They will never make an RPG again
>Only soulless flash games developed by Other Ocean
Bros... It's so tiring...

it was always weird going back to this and seeing stuff like Roba not having his Jinzo, Bakura(both of them) not even running anything close his actual deck, a surprisingly lack of bandit keith, and just Marik (not even his Yami version) who is once again, not running anything remotely to his deck in the series.

granted i know this came out before the anime got to battle city's, but still.

I LOVE Duelist of the Roses
Forbidden Memories
Falsebound Kingdom
POC Kaiba /not even a Kaibafag/
and World Championship 2004

no love for tag force?

I own this peice of shit. Read the manual 18 times back to back, still don't fucking get how to play this shit.

Sure, it's not official, but YGOPRO is the best YGO game, as it follows the rules completely.

That one was a missed opportunity. It had a good concept but needed some massive balancing tweaks to make it really shine.

2004 was better because it didn't force you to adapt to banlists every week.

That one was just straight up not very good. It added what, one more pack's worth of cards to what was already in and the layout was kind of dumb to boot.

First one was good, second and third were just more of the same with that dungeon crawling shit shoved down your throat.

just fuse Twin Headed Thunder Dragon

>effect cards barely use board design into effect, causing most of them to be bland and unoriginal (usually powerups)
>mulliganing has no downside, allowing you to just throw away your entire deck 5 cards at a time so you can spam the right fusion/power-up
>retarded deck leader leveling, could literally clear both stories without a single promotion

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wtf is this thread

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>yfw a mint Dark Duel Stories Blue Eyes runs you $2500-4500 in near mint condition

I played the first one all the way through and a bit of the second one. I think I would have really loved the first one if it had more of those story events instead of mostly waiting while nothing happens. I don't even know what to make of the second one. I didn't watch the anime and I had no idea what was even going on anymore and there were a bunch of nonsense minigames.

You figure out which of your monsters fuse and you fuse them to win. And you also memorize a bunch of astrology symbols and which is good against which, like you're someone's weird aunt. And that should get you through the first half of the game. In the second half, you grind until you get the monsters that don't suck and then you grind even more until the game feels that you've jumped through enough hoops to grace you with a useful magic, field, or equip card and then you hope that you draw everything you need in the first couple of turns before the opponent summons a terrain-boosted 4200 attack monster and fucks you in the ass.

don't forget the retarded deck cost mechanic

Excellent production values for a somewhat niche franchise. Amazing that it got a whopping 7 games on the PSP before the series went to rest.
Fucking hated the loading times and the hoops you had to jump through to get certain cards usually.
Also a damn shame KoA wants to pretend that Japan doesn't exist by muting any and all voice acting.