1st person Lobotomy Corporation 3D remake where you play as an employee confirmed for PS5!

1st person Lobotomy Corporation 3D remake where you play as an employee confirmed for PS5!
How would you react?

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>for PS5!

Only clerks and low level agents play on console. Real chad agents play on PC only

>1st / 3rd person multi-player LobCo
>each player is a nugget
>one player assigned to be manager
>manager in charge of relaying info and directions to nuggets with an overworld view

Mod for Secret Lab or LobCorp game based on Secret Lab would work

>1st person Lobotomy Corporation 3D remake where you play as an employee
Woah..!? I love it!
>confirmed for PS5!
pic related

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>Playing LC whit a controller
Fuck that

To that user that requested this a week or so ago in the Lobcorp/Ruina threads, here's that Geisha Angela you wanted. Sorry for the wait, hope ya like it if you're still around. Sorry for the repost. Noticed a few things and wanted to fix them real quick.

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wow user isnt that a tad too high grade for these threads

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just did full stop
geburah isnt insane
blue reverb, however, is

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seems the thread will die like grandma

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I have gotten very fucking close to killing Salvadors mooks in one turn (not my best result in pic, but pretty good) if I do, how can I burst him down? Has anyone got a good strategy for killing him in one turn from full?

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guys, what if Pierre?

4 snipe would almost do it, all you need is some luck with resistances/weakness rolls

im sorry user
she loves someone else
and that someone else is singing machine

update where

Does killing one increase the chance of getting his book?

the moe emotion the more books you get
with his emotion on 2 you pretty much get 3 of him, i think

Ok. I mean I already got his page after burning 8 books.

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>for PS5!
There goes any hope of being good.
People talk a lot about Brawl+Gun or how busted Gun is but
If you play your tam as a team Zwai cards are the thing that really needs a rework in here. Even Salvador was unable to hurt my guys outside the first turn! We had like +8 to +10 on all defensive rolls the entire reception.
Hod had shyness on her parry rolls started at Mothefucking 15!

Malkuth is sad.
Please say something nice to her.

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no, PC or bust.

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Huh, I only every got 1 book from Salvador, no matter how much emotion he had.

People who think Walter e-endure spam is falling out of meta are losers!

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Not on my watch!

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It's not a Gacha Card game.

>2 days of no updates
it is over bros the dream is dead. PM played us like a damn fiddle

>mfw PM nerfs the next reception too a few hours after release because retards whined

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I could actually get behind the idea of multiplayer LoR
>inb4 everyone spamming e-endure

>Salvador got nerfed because of a guy that didn't even know you could change your cards instead of being stuck with the ones that come in a key page
It still hurts. On the other hand, his retardedness gave me an idea for a challenge run where you only use the cards that you get on each keypage

>for PS5
I wouldn't

Walter page is the only think falling out of favor on the build itself but now you can have 4 people, each one of them with 2 dices spamming endurance pages. I staggered the guitar girl whit a single endure!

There is far more things that need to re balanced aside form Brawl at this point!

hold me Zig Forums

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E-endure will be capped at 5 within minutes if that happens.

the sony conference doesnt help

Why are they stuttering?

because the robots stuttered

Brain damage, seriously

They're introverts