The FIRST FUCKING GAME announced for PS5 is GTA5

>the FIRST FUCKING GAME announced for PS5 is GTA5

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kek did they really?

3 Gens of consoles LMAO

>first reveal is a ps3 game


>not even available at launch, ambiguous 2021 release
I'm going to laugh really hard if GTA5 is one of the PS4 games not backwards compatible.

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ye, first announcement was a fucking port

Rockstar will be eating off GTA V for the rest of our lifetimes

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This game first released in 2013 on the PS3


Just let that sink in.

Probably with ZERO stuff for the story (Except Graphics). Fuck this, GTA Online is cancer.

That's why its the first one, duh

and the second game was an asset flip, bravo Sony

I promise it won't be backwards compatible. GTA wants to get that 3 time purchase demographic.

It's a great game and a nicer look is always appreciated. Just not if you do it for 69 Bucks again and again.

This has to be like the 6th time at least they announced this game

it still doesn't look as good as the PC version

You'd think rdr2 would be announced instead, due to it looking way better than gta 5. Furthermore, it's the newest rockstar game right now.

Of course it won't be.

how fitting that in june2020 the game most in tune with the social landscape is a game glorifying thug life

And it never will.

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Clorox stocks hitting all time highs this evening!

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GTA Online $$$$$

GTA V re-remastered/GTA V-3
the absolute state of soiny

Maybe we get some improvements and optimizations on PC too.


>Post yfw PS5fags finally get GTA5

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PS5 live stream better end with GTA 6 or else

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is GTA 5 the new skyrim?

GTA5 looks about on par on PC

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>Spider-Man 2
>Ratchet and Clank 2
>God of War 5


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