Maybe I really am getting too old for this. None of these PS5 games look like anything I'd want to play

Maybe I really am getting too old for this. None of these PS5 games look like anything I'd want to play.

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You're (probably) not getting older, they just all look like shit

Nah these are all just shit games

consider it a good thing as you don't have to spend money for a new console

Ironically the only game I'd play is Godfall, and five years ago I'd dismiss it as AA shovelware

nah they look like shit and have uninspired gameplay. he problem isnt the hardware but the swarms of uninspired developers that are just in it for the money and have no vision.


They have gone full WOKE and that crowd can't make good games.

>that dev talking about how PS5 lets them not have to compromise for technical limitations
Maybe that's actually a bad thing. Creativity is borne from limitations.

>that crowd can't make good games.
That crowd doesn't even PLAY games. They're placating the wrong audience

This. That line is what the faggots tell you when they keep making shit games.

Are you serious? Did you not see the horrible fps?

The only game I am interested in so far is Stray, and only when it is less than $10 on steam.

I mainly just want to see if the PS5 itself is that toilet bowl looking thing.

Bump. Same here
Ps they are all shit

That fucking tranny scaly shit absolutely destroyed the little hope I had for this dumpster fire of a presentation.

Rachet and Clank are the only decent looking exclusive. Oddworld is going to be on pc and sexbox.

Pretty meh so far and every game looked like it could run on current systems.

>horrible fps

Yeah but it had (seemingly) decent game mechanics and is coming to PC.

RaC looked like a PS2 game magically made in 2020, in a good way. Just looks fun.

I really wanted to buy the PS5 since I skipped the last console generation and stuck to my gaming PC. So this generation I really want to get back into it but so far nothing to really warrant a day 1 purchase at all...

Books ruined movies for. The only games that still interest me are super complicated simulators or complicated strategy games, with the exception of resident evil 2. Didn't give a flying shit about the ff7 remake even though I'm exactly the age group that grew up with it. Don't care about any upcoming games except maybe elden ring (oooooh), but other than that nothing. Especially since CP2077 is absolute trash.

Growing up kinda sucks, but what can you do. I think I'm gonna do the usual stuff people do in their early thirties, learn surfing or whatever.

Little Devil Inside actually looked pretty good ngl, can't wait for it to come to Steam

Hey tell the same story every new gen.

You don't want to play as over powered one hit kill super Black Spider-Man whose back story is nigh identical to Peter's but he's better because black?

It's like an entire show based on games people who don't play games think games are. These all genuinely look like the fake games you see people playing in TV shows.

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I’d like to know more about Little Devil Inside, to be honest. Don’t give a fuck about all the their shit, for now.

90% of it looks like indie garbage you'd buy for $10 on steam

there's not a dramatic difference in models or textures but they definitely could not run on current hardware, you probably just don't know what to look for. it's stuff like reflections and lighting complexity and distant detail.

Literally every single one of these games except maybe Hitman have been engineered to be as soiboy as possible. If you aren't a Snoyboy tranny, this shit shouldn't appeal to you. I also wonder if they went through and intentionally go rid of all games with white male protagonists or if that's just organically how it happened to appeal to the woke trannies at Snoy.

Hitman 3 and gook BioShock look good
but i can play those on my PC


Two good games right there.

Returnal, Witch and Cat games look good

This. art style > graphics every time
Stray caught my attention too.

Yeah you can taste the soi through the screen. It’s hilarious.

not even the zoomers want to play any of this shit
the state of the playstation is so sad

Is this an actual game or am I being baited? It's like a shittier more retarded version of Viva Pinata.

not that user and I somewhat agree. however if you watch any E3 demo and how the lighting for PS4 games or even something like Watchdogs looked in those trailers you cant really argue that anymore.

None of these games look better than The Division did really. Or atleast not better than the E3 build of it looked...

Yeah nah these all look ... fine... nothing special

Hitman looked cool, everything else was just meh

or maybe these games are just shit

always a possibility

>Not liking Based Bugsnax
What are you, a white supremacist?

To be fair The Division looked retardedly good.

Nah, this conference is fucking shit.

This would've been okay if they had done with all the indie game conferences being shown off earlier this week and today.

But this is seriously the most underwhelming shit. This is what Sony should've brought out if Microsoft fumbled their opening again like they did with the Xbone debut, but this feels like something they put together literally this morning without any real warning or preparation.

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I was excited for a minute. I've been a Spider-Man fanboy for more than 20 years, the new Square game seemed promising from the 5 second pre-render we got. I was feeling it. Then we just lost so much momentum to dinosaur lesbian teenagers and stray cat shit

This, seriously. Hard to get excited about a bunch of movie trailers for what are undoubtedly generic 3rd person corridor adventure games

I’m so glad I made a jump to Nintendo years ago

They pulled out the big guns. Took them an hour, but Demons Souls is hype. Can't wait for the PC port.

Kinda my point, and I am not that disappointed but it is clear diminishing returns are setting in by this point. The difference between PS3 and PS4 was already not that big when compared to previous generations. Now we are at a point where you probably cant even tell anymore when watching trailers and not seeing it in on your actual TV.

Maybe I'm the only one but I wanted a port or remaster at most, I definitely did not want a fucking remake.

Every single remake I've ever played has been worse than the original, and from has a bad track record for remasters/remakes already with SotFS and DaS 1 remastered

uh oh, I thought it was a port
Demon Souls is ruined, guaranteed

if they have any brains, they will put the original on the ps5 store

This but all platforms