Resident Evil Village

Dev Message

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I'm too fucking stupid to figure out what they mean with the symbolism in the village logo. Any ideas?

i think you want to focus in the middle. that weird shit looks like a fetus or a virus

Maybe Mia got pregnant with an infected baby or some shit, and that's why Chris kills her

the "age" part is resalted, because Chris is getting old

Glad that mold loving babysitter thot got what she deserved.

"Claire isn't getting any younger Leon, and before you know it she can't have kids anymore. I NEED you to FUCK my sister RIGHT NOW"

>The game will take heavy inspiration from berserk and have eathans unborn child be in som DNA chromosome magic shit to produce a new born wesker or some shit.

Save this

Damn it obvious chris is gonna die in this game.

Ethan and Mia’s dead mutant mold baby


ETHAN how DARE you impregnate MIA and not my SISTER CLAIRE! I saved you and you owe me! You owe me a generation of kids! But nooooo you had to pick up skin and bones Mia instead of my busty, fertile sister Claire.

*shoots Mia 5 times*

Sorry Ethan, but now we have to go to the Redfield village in order to learn all the Redfield mating rituals. Oh and one more thing

*pops a cap into Ethan's baby*

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Is the guy on the right one of the dudes from the VHS in 7?

What am I looking at here?

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God i really hate the fact that they embraced first person.
I also dislike the warewolf bullshit. What the hell. What's the next thing? Vampires? Mummies?
What's the problem with just having average zombies and some cool looking BOWs?

So, Chris kills Mia to prevent another outbreak but crazy villagers take her and the "dead" fetus and start a cult around them.

Shit plot brah.

The women in the mansion are vampires.

Probably more that Chris is being mind controlled by the village “witches” and was sent to retrieve it

So, RE is officially supernatural shit now
Mikami canceled RE 3.5 for no reason

My guess is the witches inject the baby and keep mia alive and Chris kills her to keep the baby from becoming a big ouroboros monster.


Maybe this is like Universal Soldier 4 and Chris didn´t kill Mia and her son, and it is all in Ethan`s head, due to allucinations or memory implants, and the people behind it just want Chris to be killed

Love that they are going next-gen only with this one. No shitty hardware to hold back the design.

yeah lol i noticed it too

Weekend sub, Pete.

That was on the leaks, so it's definitely it.
Or maybe the guy that leaked it just saw the trailer and added that bit himself, makes sense tough.

>yfw Chirs takes the role of the pursuer in Ethan story

It's been 16 years since RE 3.5 was cancelled. I'm fucking glad they're finally doing something new with the horror aspect of the franchise. Hopefully it'll have the crazy hallucination and ghosts from RE 3.5

>yfw chris literally becomes the mr x of resident evil 8

Isn't this literally the plot of Silent Hill 3

Unironically this

Love how Chris' design looks just like his RE5 and 6 design. Glad they decided to walk back on RE7 Chris.

resident evil VII I (8)

>the Revelation's games plot lines will never get continued
That's where actual shit happens especially fuckin Alex Wesker becoming a child prodigy. 7 did nothing for the series plot wise and this series needs to actually do something with the story.

This is why I dont think it will be out in 2021. Gotta get that install base up.

Not Groovy Buddy!

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So, is it going to be based and goth-pilled?

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Epic bros?

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So Mia is probably pregnant with some weird goo infected offspring that has supernatural powers.

that inventory screen had currency in it, looks like we are gonna have a merchant like re4

Rumors that mentioned Emily and her father by name also included that Natalia/Alex would be the main antagonist after chris.

Hello. I'm the guy who leaked the setting, style and main character weeks ago.
Here's two new and out of context leaks for you:

>RE VIIlage takes place before RE7
>Mia's hair color and Chris' face model changes are plot points

3 characters and the mold is back with the black font at the end.