Who likes Killer Is Dead
Who likes Killer Is Dead
I have never played it and I've been keeping an eye on it ever since it got announced. Sucks to be poor in a third world country.
Is it really worth as the gameplay makes it seems, or meh?
I liked it. When I went to gamestop to pick it up after pre-ordering it the guy said I shouldn't play it since it made women out to be "boobs on legs".
I kind of like it, but I haven't touched it in a while. I want to see where the story goes after Mission 4, but Mission 51 drained me and so did the girls
I thought it was pretty ok.
>CLAMP proportions
I just beat it again last week, its got some issues. I'm not a huge fan of some of the design decisions, but I enjoy it and enjoy replaying it every other year.
I liked the train level and that was literally it.
Personally I liked it a lot but the garden level was too hard, so I never finished it.
I miss the Silver Case character designs.
Played it a long time ago and didn't care for it at all. Everything about it is just super shallow and nonsensical. One thing in particular I remember being awful was how if you did a perfect dodge it would put you into a bullet time mashing opportunity that had a really obnoxiously loud whooshing sound effect for the duration and on the final boss' last phase it switches to new music I basically couldn't at all over the constant whooshing.
Too meaty for clamp, eyes and hands need to be bigger, but you're pretty close.
Railways are a man's passion.
I do. Game is weird and great.
Right here.
Aside from the combat it's one of the few Japanese projects where the man isn't afraid of a woman.
I do!
Post your steam
>all the 6 girls
>3 Whites
>2 Asians
>1 Latina
No Black girl at all? It's racist.
I own it but I dont think I played more than 5 hours
I could just play bayonetta if im in the mood for a game of this type
Bayonetta isn't KINO though
Pure Suda KtP ludo, loved it so much.
Gameplaywise, its not bad. Its good, but retarded decisions prevent it from being DMC level.
So you got style. The more you hit things, the better your style grade - the better your style grade the faster you can hit things. When you max out your grade, though, you're now stuck in doing this longwinded flipping sword chop that you can't change from doing. Its slow in execution, leaves you vulnerable after every strike, and its also overhead only, and it replaces your normal attack until either the fight ends or you get hurt. Its like the game is punishing you for being decent at it.
The other issue with the game are the enemies. Yes you have a dodge and parry button which do their job well. The problem is enemy visual design - they're all black humanoid blob things with a rave party's worth of glow sticks strapped on their body. Its fine if 3 or 4 enemies fight you like this, but then it sticks 10 guys on you in a black background and all you see is glow stick body parts - you can't tell what's trying to hit you because everything is a light source wiggling on the screen, so there's no point in the parry system during these scenarios.
The game shines when the enemy count is low. The boss, David, is essentially the 'DMC Nero' of the game - he's your nemesis, and you fight him one on one a lot. And he's always. Always. A fun fight. Its the main reason to ever play this game - fighting David because he gives you the Nero fix.
But women literally voluntarily dress like that on Halloween, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Nah, bro. I appreciate it, but that wouldn't be fair. Just wanna know if it's worth it to get it later. besides, my PC won't run it. Thanks, really.
You meant Vergil, right? Can agree on the David fight though, fighting him on the moon the first time was a nice casual filter for me.
but she got that gameplay
Oh, my god. Thank you so much, man.
It's a bummer it's not as polished then. I am a huge sucker for hack and slashers, but this one never truly convinced me for some reason. Had my chances at getting it but I just didn't. Now I'm sure I should get it if I find it on a discount bin or whatever. Sucks, too, because visually looks appealing, but the way you describe it, yeah. Now I see it with a different perspective. Thank you, man.
Shit, yes, Vergil, my mistake
I do. Great game.
I liked it. Story was a little sideways but that was part of its charm. The gigolo missions were neat, and I liked all the girls, there were none that I didn't like. I really liked that the gameplay was similar to No More Heroes, but more focused on the evade mechanic, which heavily tied into the combo mechanic.
Gameplay gets interrupted by way too much shit like phone calls and cutscenes. Makes replaying it a chore but otherwise I had a blast. Wish we had more characters as inhuman as final stage Mondo.
Black females are disgusting.
I loved it. I never played Gigolo mode outside of the first time though.
Its definitely worth it on sale and you like hack and slash. The controls are solid and the visual design is everything you expect from a Suda game. The bosses are fun, its just very mediocre in regards to when you're not fighting a boss
What the fuck was that ending though
I do, it was too short though, I wanted more time with the crew, the waifus and more targets.
its not as good as nmh1 or 2 or k7, but still ok
steam gave it for free years ago
its ok but i dont think its special its forgettable.
>Music great
>Story interesting
>Bosses fun
>Bloom, awful but acceptable
>Women, 10/10
Overall 8/10. I want to play it again someday. Wish it had more missions.