Why are people ok with the bottom but not the top?

Why are people ok with the bottom but not the top?

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art quality

literally, that's it

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the top is fucking ugly. anime eyes with weird dinosaur maw is just plain bad


>there's no difference between sexy and grotesque

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if i can coom i will consoom

Top looks ugly bottom makes my dopamine shoot up and makes me want to touch my dick

They're both shit-tier

Because it is low effort garbage like a lot of the nu art.

I’m not okay with either. Furfags deserve the rope.

Bot is hot, top is dogshit.

Because the bottom is well drawn.

Source on bottom please

bottom is a 3-4 on the furfag meter while top is blatantly for furries

Why would anyone be okay with either? Yiff in hell.


The top is stylistically abhorrent. The bottom is pure kemono sex. Simple as.

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It's impossible to make good looking aquatic anthros.

big tiddies fix everything, you could literally put a pair of milkers on an insect and it'd be a good character

These are both blatantly furry

Why are the Chinese so good at making furrres?

>anime girl with a beak vs anime girl painted to look like a tiger
woooow such an improvement

Top look hideous.
the second look more cartoonish with some human attributes.
it even has a name.

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Because the second's name is literally Waai Fu

*chittering noises*

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How do you even make the species that the top is look attractive with that snout?

The fact that you even ask that proves that furries are beyond saving.

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What species is it even supposed to be? It had feathered wings but I can't think of anything that has a snout like that to ALSO have feathered wings.

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>Ample breasts
>Wide hips
>Feminine and has sexual appeal
> Humanoid first, animal second

>No positive sexual features
>Doesn't identify as female
>Animal first, humanoid second
>Not even a little bit anime.

Take your pick OP

The bottom is fuckable and the top is cringe neoliberal semite shit.


if you shaved off all the fur off of bottom she'd look like a regular human. Top is just an animal

What the fuck is the the feathered bird dinosaur at the top supposed to be

Sexy anthro women are great

I think a pterodactyl, but with furry wings?

I think it's supposed to be a pterodactyl but the designer went full on deviant art OC halfway through

That'd be sick, but the wings aren't attached to the arms. TThey're popping out the back. We could've had a punk-rock wyvern.

Bottom's name is literally Waai Fu. Waifu. What more can you ask for?

I never managed to get her in her rate up.

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Boobs. That's it. Doesn't matter if it's animeish or anthropomorphic, as long as the tits and ass are big, it's perfectly fine.

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Fuck SJWs, trannies, and niggers

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>Netflix greenlight
>generic anime mascot
Both suck. Furshit is the manifestation of all modern degeneracy.

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The bottom is just porn instead of some bizarre interactive VN.

>that beak
so she's a jewess?

She already has more fanart than Katt from BoF2.

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Bottom looks better.

Fighting game vs being a straight white male is the worst thing possible game

Literally just copy Japan.

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Both are furry trash.

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Kemono artists are the only good "furries", and even they don't engage in costume cancer

Top, I see gay barely talented uni kids who grew up watching CN

because Dolphins are problematic animals that commit rape

is that a ps5?

I'm not okay with the bottom, in fact I want to do bad things to her.

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Nobody here likes or cares about "humans with animal ears". It's boring shit for normalfags. Frankly it's ruining real furry as well.