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Other urls found in this thread:

those lips were made to suck

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She fucks Console guys

Sorry console boi, you get to watch

I would eat her asshole

Attached: checksum.webm (418x604, 305.86K)

Whoa oh here she comes


suck what?


shut up fag

> bulge

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im ok with this

Will she be doing it this year?

It happens every year newfag

>tfw she'll never marry you

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Cringe but cute

is that happening today?
Is there a schedule for events happening this week? They used to get posted every 15 fucking seconds but this year I haven't been able to find out when anything's happening, didn't know about that ps5 event till it started.

feet pics?


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>Will she be doing it this year?
sources say yes

where in my post am i implying that this is a new thing, schizo
shut up and post more frankies will ya

i miss girlwood.

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-12 E3 2020 schedule guide All alternative E3 conference dates, times, and streams announced so far.png (1059x1264, 122.65K)

To be fair, E3 was cancelled this year, so it makes sense that there's less to watch and it's a little disorganized

>2pm est on a saturday
it's like they don't want people to watch it.

Theme of this thread
and her uncanny resemblance to her

The literal PC gaming show homepage says yes.

Says Ubisoft's thing is happening today, not a month from now.

it's wrong, ubi is 12 of july

Atlus is the only thing making watch it, i just hope its not 5hrs long filled with indie shit nobody cares about.

Kill jester

This, surprise BB would also be nice but I'm not holding my breath

all girls are gross with that curly pube hair, i knew she would be hot with straight hair and checked her twitter
sure enough...
but she goes back to pubes. I get it, it's a pain in the ass to keep doing. Suck it up, Princess Pube.

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like all bongs or 99% of women in general, hideous without makeup
simply hideous

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I just wanna know what Xseed is gonna show. Wildest dream come true is Rune Factory.
Also keeping my fingers crossed for the Persona 3 rumors. A little concerned that 4 was leaked but 3 wasn't.

is she single?

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Aisha would have been great if Ubisoft itself wasn’t cringe incarnate.

She was still great, but she never got anyone on stage with even a fourth as much charisma as she had.

She has a dog.

is she mix, she looks like a quadroon.

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No, she has a white bong boyfriend

bloodborne remaster for sure bros!

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>attractive woman