Can we safetly say that this is the strongest console lineup ever?
Can we safetly say that this is the strongest console lineup ever?
And people wanna talk about Nintendo bonuses
Fuck your metacritic scores
As opposed to whatever the fuck lunchbox one had? Yeah.
>haven’t played lol
>movie game
>movie game
>movie game
>movie game
>licensed cancer
Is it just me or with new gen of consoles there's fewer and fewer decent games?
I remember PS1 had a fuckton of games and also a fuckton of hidden gems.
If you wanna go by metacritic...
Just look at how much it shrunk this decade
Why are you fucking retarded?
all of these games are the same
>shit multiplat
>shit multiplat
>shit port
Only 2 games
>3rd person action
>jrpg cancer for developmentally stunted, mentally ill "people"
>3rd person action
>3rd person action
>3rd person action
>3rd person action
>3rd person action, but hard
kek, the absolute state of console gaming
Delete this.
Only good game here is bloodborne. It is really good one tho.
I still have to play Horizon, God of War and Uncharted 4 out of that list
Which is the best of the 3?
name one game that is not a rehash of something else
Thank you for reminding how shit modern gaming is.
Kaz Hirai.
tlou cant be that good
>didn't play
>very good (9/10)
>good first time, never need to play it again (5.5/10)
>ok (6/10)
>okayer (7/10)
>good (8.5/10)
>very good (9/10)
>Contra 3
>Chrono Trigger
>Super Mario World
>Final Fantasy 5 & 6
>Mega Man X
>Seiken Densetsu 3
>Super Mario RPG
>Demon's Crest
>Ogre Battle
>Star Fox
>Metal Warrior
SNES arguably has the strongest lineup, only the PS2 and PS1 come close.
Woah, nice bunch of movie action games you got there stranger.
>Confirmed for PC
>Will be coming to PC
>Movie shit
>Onions shit
>Onions movie shit
>Inferior Arkham
>Coming to PC
>No Gravity Rush 2
I only see P5 (weakest persona entry made by Hashino and not even royal saved it) and Bloodborne (where we beta tested it for 20fps). Other games can be enjoyed via streaming it on youtube.
Don't get me wrong, I own a ps4, switch and PC but damn did this console turned out to be a dust collector. PS5's direction is going full fur narrative shit which is a nuh uh.
lol how much of a fucking zoomer do you have to be to think playstation 4 of all consoles has the strongest lineup
Horizon > GoW > Uncharted 4
I wanted to like Uncharted 4, but they fucked up the story.
got them all for $5 to $10 a peice as well as a ps4 for $180 during christmas. These games suck ass and have no replay value since they're all 10 hour movies with barebones gameplay. You sony shills are borderline retarded if you think these movies are a strong lineup.
there's only 3 good games in this pic
hint: HZD is one of them
Because games become bigger and more complex to make
Ps2 > n64 > PS4 best console lineups of all time.
Nice false flagging nint0ddler
The only actual real seller there is Bloodborne.
Horizon is janky and bundled with shit RPG mechanics and dialogue scenes
P5 is a poorly written VN.
U4 is a walking sim
GoW is a walking sim.
TLOU1 is a remaster.
Spiderman is ok but absolutely forgettable.
Unfortunately, I own all of them
Boring generic garbage
Fun but on PS3
Cool romp, but a literal movie with no replay value
Decent game, vastly overrated and flawed as fuck
Also on PS3
Good game
7 wortwhile games in an entire console's lifespan
How embarrassing
*mogs your entire console generation in just 1 season*