holy fuck he destroyed The Last of Us 2
Holy fuck he destroyed The Last of Us 2
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who is that
Is he really the only one who didn't liked it? The other ones sucking naughty dogs dick at lightning speed.
This guy is honestly a good reviewer.
i always feel like hes the true gamer and the other dudes just around for, like... reasons?
Those guys are peak click bait
he really is
polygon didn't like it either, which is....weird
He cute
This is indeed the weirdest
Dont give them any credit. They didn't like it, but they didn't even give it a score. They are afraid to score it and upset SONY.
who's that?
also destructoid review was fucking weird ans the guy did even talk about the story
Most of the review sites that don't give a score at the end disliked it
Most of the ones that do gave it a 9 or 10
I don't think they liked the trailer of the Asian woman get beaten in the arm with a hammer.
what his name, fuckers
His thumbnail in the video says he didn’t enjoy it and I was thinking it was going to be another “this game is so brutal I couldn’t enjoy it 10/10” but no, the only thing he praised was the environments and that was about it. He shit on everything else, characters, plot, gameplay, length.
Why aren't people giving it a score?
Oddly enough Polygon and Kotaku both shredded it.
by complaining it was like the first one hes pathetic lmao
Lamon Gamon
Because giving a game like this a bad review means Sony and the publishers will revoke access to early review titles, basically gimping the review site.
More like shillup. This fuckboy sucked kojimas dick to the balls with his death stranding review
someone posted tweets from leigh alexander last night and she seemed to be obliquely bitching about the game too, so maybe there's a minor schism in the sjw game journo camp at the moment
they're call Laymen gaming
death stranding is a good game tho
>he's a shill when he likes a game I didn't
Copeless faggot.
We already have a thread up. Dumbass OP.
>death stranding
You mean movie with some walking segments. Excatly like this shitshow.
theres a few sites that didnt score that loved it
He said that the last 2 hours of game makes the first 20 hours for naught. Character don't behave like themselves and their choices are idiotic. I replaying metro exodus and i can chose to not kill or kill npcs. All i see in TLOU2 is only killing. Why not let the player chose?
Why do you all talk about this dude without mentioning his name? Like anyone who isn't a massive nerd recognizes a youtube video maker by his face? Jesus christ guys
>Writing a review and refusing to give a score
Is this some form of protest?
They're too cool to be a part of the metacritic score duuuuude. Meanwhile metacritic score is still the only thing that matters to normies
Based. He told the truth.
>Minor schism
That camp was in tatters from inception. Deviate one little bit from the norm and they cannabalize eachother. I'm surprised it's still a functioning "camp"
Hmmm really activates the almonds.
some guy who hates niggers
brother is way funnier than he is.
I generally like these guys. Our tastes don't always align but they rightfully shit on anti-consumer practices which is pretty fucking rare for anybody even remotely covering this shit industry.
He said he didn’t like the gameplay of the first one that much but enjoyed its story and its characters.
He said “if you want to play a stealth game there are hundreds of better stealth games out there and if you want to play a shooter there are thousands of better shooters out there.”
His review is good and honest.
Metacritic score is still the only thing that matters to investors too, so refusing to give actual negative feedback makes the companies think they did good when in reality, they did not. It's irresponsible, and leads to more stupid shit like this. Druckmann will be praised for this
Too bad he doesn't play games and can barely say anything interesting about them.
Daily reminder that the last of us part 2 promotes violence against lesbians.
But he is handsome as fuck
No he didn't? He admitted that by ever yobjective metric the game is cutting edge and the better then the original.
All of the negative comes from a purely subjective point of view of him not liking certain things, which can be night and day person to person.
This retard said it cut back on set piece quick time events in favor of gameplay, and to him thats a BAD THING.
Their reasoning was fairly well explained (if a bit too "it's current year") and they praised some aspects of it, just had issues with the overal theme and tone.
Giving a score is not enough to end up on metacritic. Metacritic is an establishment propaganda tool, only MSM is allowed there. However NOT giving a score is a guarantee you won't ever be counted
Cope snyoy
Who is the handsome one
I haven’t really watched too much of Laymen. But I’ve seen a lot of skill up videos and while I don’t agree with a lot of his opinions he does give very good reviews and as someone else stated he doesn’t hold back when it comes to the shit like micro transactions and p2w shit. His review of Battlefront 2 and Fallout 76 made me a fan of his.
>negative comes from a purely subjective point of view
Yes that's how shills always phrase it when they want to criticise the game but don't want to lose that sweet exclusive access. Ranton foretold this
I agree, up to Heartman's chapters is kinda slow but its engaging as fuck and fun to test Sam's limits and plan ahead
Wait till it comes to PC and seee mass opinions change
>by complaining it was like the first one hes pathetic lmao
Did you even watch the video? He makes comparisons to the first but if he's complaining about anything it's that it's different than the first one, and not in a good way.
The chad with a beard
I would literally suck him and i am straight
>mfw watched his entire FFXIV run from ARR to Shadowbringers
>there was always a bigger int eh chat who would get upset at him for not liking Stormblood
shame he doesn't stream anymore
sounds based
Wait is this true this is the review Zig Forums has been latching onto no fucking way holy fucking kek
Death Stranding is just as trash as TLOU2.
His coverage of 76 is pretty great and made me a big fan too. The entire game has become a golden goose to his channel and almost like an inside joke because shit about it keeps popping up and making news, and for a long time it was always some laughable change for the worse.
Leader of Alt-Right gamers.
>The first game was tightly designed and felt like a video game
>The second game is a beautiful game world that feels 'real'
>Instead of environmental puzzles, you're normally just looking for the exit
YES. This shit is not good design. Developers have too many toys to play with and make virtual spaces first, interactive stories second, and video games third. This is why we buy japanese.
You're probably some boderline retareded europoor but holy shit this has nothing to do with anything.
We are talking about the video itself, there are no objective criticism, his whole thing is "xyz doesn't personally appeal to me!".
It's not because his being a shill, it's because he can't find any objective flaw in the game, at worst the jump button meme was overhyped apparently.
He's a bit of a beta that gets too involved in american politics but he's damn good at his job.
Polygon, Kotaku and Vice all also hated it. Vice has by far the best review too. Greatly written.
>asuka in the back
whoever he is he's fucking based
They're not really allowed to talk about the story.
They signed a contract. Skillup mentions this.
>All of the negative comes from a purely subjective point of view of him not liking certain things, which can be night and day person to person.
It's a fucking movie game, the narrative is supposed to be important. If it fails then it ruins the entire game. The only reason people put up with movie games like Asura's Wrath was because the story was actually compelling.
Quite literally, he says.
"if you actually like playing the last game, then you'll like this game more. But i hated the gameplay therefore this more polished version of the gameplay is not good to me!"
it's pure autism that anyone is trying to use this as the "woah baased not a shill review", when he can't even come up with substantive arguments against the game.
>Vice has by far the best review too. Greatly written.
I haven't read the review so I don't have an opinion on it but seeing someone on Zig Forums claim Vice did a good job is the most surprising thing I've read all week.
every other reviewer liked it so his view is subjective you fucking retard