>In a medium where everything is John Wick, The Last of Us Part 2 is Schindler's List. And just like that film, there were times when I wasn't sure I could keep going. It is a relentless emotional assault that I suspect will force even the most jaded gamer to feel empathy 2/5
Why would I want to play something like this? If I want to feel emotional I'll watch a movie, read a book, or watch a documentary and be sad about something that actually happened and for the people who lived through events.
>AAA developer: here’s some gun corridors that lead to some gun rooms and we can play some movies in between >AAA narrative designer: when I was a young boy my father shot a chicken in front of me so I decided to read of Mice and Men. Now as a 37 year old dad who rarely leaves th
Mason Cook
That's ignorant, but I can't be mad at a snarky female on Twitter.
Andrew Ross
You can only appreciate "based on a true story" media? That's so hilarious.
Dylan Jackson
>Schindler's List oi vey, remember the the six million Joels clubbed to death by Abby goy
Dylan Brooks
Imagine only being able to critique things by making references to other things. This is all you need to be a games journalist.
Ayden Murphy
>comparing anything to holocaust This will end well for him, it's always a smart move to compare things to holocaust