God I wish Nintendo would take themselves seriously again...

God I wish Nintendo would take themselves seriously again. Why can't we have another Ninty console aimed at more serious gamers?

Attached: 61cc-278k0L._SX522_.jpg (522x293, 18.63K)

it's called the switch

is this a joke thread?

No. What part of OP's post seems a joke?
This was the last Nintendo console that actually competed in terms of graphics, and it had the last relatively normal. Also, there were more mature games here than anywhere else. Eternal Darkness, Geist, every Resident Evil up to 4, and the only Zelda game to ever get a T rating. Prime and Prime 2 were also pretty dark desu

anywhere else as in any other nintendo console. had to clarify lol

the only problem i have with the switch is that that they didnt use the gamecube button scheme.


Nobody bought a Gamecube, that's why.

If the Gamecube didn't sell as well as all its predecessors, what makes you think a new traditional console by Nintendo would?

>N64 32.93 m
>GCN 21.74 m
>Wii 101.63 m

>gamecube button scheme
holy retard

Gamecube flopped hard unfortunately.

OP is being ironic, but Gamecube owners actually went and bought a Wii/WiiU/Switch, all the casuals who bought a Wii, went and bought a phone. People blame the WiiU's terrible sales on the name, but I think it had also something to do with appealing way too much to casuals.

Literally count the Wii sales + DS sales (Roughly 200million), and then count DS + Gamecube sales (100 million). Nintendo solidified their handheld and homeconsoles together, so they should have roughly 200 million projected Switch sales, instead it caps at a 100 million estimated. So literally the generation of turbo casuals Nintendo created, abandoned Nintendo for phone games. I don't think Nintendo should appeal to serious gamers as much as the Gamecube did ever again, but they definitely needed to start appealing to serious gamers a lot more, which they are doing with the Switch. Nintendo literally threw away 100 million sales by focusing solely on casuals and abandoning serious gamers.

Wii sold based off gimmicks, nothing more.

How? It just barely undersold the xbox which is considered a commercial success.

because NES and SNES were traditional consoles, and they won their gens
*last relatively normal controller
Holy fuck, I'm dyslexic

explain to me how it is not the best button scheme there is? there is literally 0 reason to have 4 identical buttons in a cross.

I'm OP, speak for yourself. I'm not ironic, I'm gif related

Attached: dead. fucking. serious..gif (400x301, 3.19M)

nintendo makes games for kids, not serious gamers. resident evil etc is an exception

Last time nintendo made a amazing system was the SNES

Gamecube zoomers are delusional

More then what the gaycube had which was nothing

No games
No wifi
Mini disks bullshit
No rare to make amazing games

Nintendo would have easily won if they put some actually competitive hardware into the switch

there's no reason NOT to have four buttons that you use intermittently
maybe I can give you enlarging A and having analogue triggers though, those are nice
I really miss the experimental style of older consoles' control schemes
the duke with black and white buttons is my favorite, perfect size

>No wifi
None of the 6th gen consoles had wifi

>It's another gamecube kiddie thread

But if they did that their games would be shit and soulless

nes had no competition and snes had traction from nes. n64 still used cartridges and most of the classics are kiddy games which killed them where playstation stole the show. they lost their crown when the n64 came about. now they can't get it back and can't go back to making traditional consoles after the wii

N64 and the cube still had plenty of residual soul, though you are correct.
Mainly because of third parties, though.

*laughs in Melee being better than Brawl and TP being better on the cube*

pero this isn't /vr/ tho, soretomo why the fuck are you complaining desu ka?

Name five (5) third party N64 games with 'soul'.