In light of the disaster that is TLoU2 lets have a thread that shows examples of games that actually use the medium...

In light of the disaster that is TLoU2 lets have a thread that shows examples of games that actually use the medium properly to tell unique stories that can literally only be done in video games.

I'll start with something kind of obvious, note i'm not saying it's the greatest but for my example i'll say

Attached: 1569695480314.jpg (640x640, 34.42K)

funny image

deus ex

Attached: 1546375641512.jpg (1920x1080, 252.44K)

*blocks your path*

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Attached: Always depending on others.jpg (1920x1080, 150.42K)

i dont want to start a thread, but can someone recommend me a game about rome?

Hotline Miami can be a simple stylized story about a crazy guy being a murderous vigilante or it can be a game that deals with the idea of responsibility for violence and enjoying that violence in a way far better than Spec Ops: The Line ever did.

It also does this whilst being a genuinely fun game that never puts any of that in the way of just enjoying it. It's fun even when stripped of narrative.

I say this only for the first Hotline Miami, I haven't played the second.

Attached: hotline.jpg (1280x880, 445.52K)

rome total war

surely not pic related, it's weeb trash.

Was hesitant to put this here since it's hardly a game, but it does a great job at capturing the feelings of dread and confusion found in a dream by making it an interactive experience. The dream journal it's based on and any attempt at putting it into the form of a video pale in comparison in that regard.

Attached: 220px-LSD_Coverart.png (220x220, 113.99K)