Resolutions of the games from PS5's showcase dropped down to 1200p.
Most native 4k games were 30fps
Digital Foundry pixel count
Thanks captain obvious, as if anybody with a brain didn't know that
It all looks like trash
wohoo another generation of games being limited by shitskinstation and niggerbox. gaming is dead.
PC can't do true next gen titles at all :)
He's a mad console shitter
Everything will be crossgen for the next several years. Only Sony First party will be making games that take advantage of the hardware.
An average PC user's PC can barely run games at 4K 60 CONSISTENTLY. Infact, the average household doesn't even have 4K tv's yet alone 4K monitors.
why did he throw that fucking smiley in there though? imagine straight up lying and acting smug about it. how deranged can consoleniggers get?
>literally just xbone X tier hardware with an expensive experimental SSD
>still doesn't actually improve the graphics or framerate like they were claiming that it was gonna do
>will still cost 2-3 times as much as the PS4 pro/xbone X
what a joke lmao
The Digital Foundry comparisons later this year are legitimately going to make Sonybros suicidal
>PS5 CAN'T DO 4K 60
what would have ever made you believe that it would have? It's the same shit every gen. Over promise/under deliver
there's probably a lot more 4k tvs than monitors, since tv panels are lower quality so there's a higher profit margin
Can't fucking wait
If you want graphics, consoles are not the systems you'd be looking into.
I just don't get why they're pushing 8K when majority of the world still hasn't jumped ship to 4K.
>Only Sony First party will be making games that take advantage of the hardware.
>believing that if this ssd in the ps5 really is that revolutionary every harddrive manufacturer won't have versions of it out in 3 to 6 months
Delusional, by the time the first game actually made that takes full advantage of whatever it is fully capable of is released pc will have a cock ton of options to choose from to accomplish the same thing
If PC is so good where is PC2???
>why not just stop advancing technology
When you guys going to realize that every generation they increase the fidelity to the point where 30 FPS is the target. We go though this every year.
what a surprise
You can throw an SSD three times the speed into your PC but it'd still be slower due to NT Kernal's broken I/O stack.
Plus, nobody would develop for 1% of the PC market. Enjoy your crossgen. I'm sure Sony will throw you some more ports in +7 years.
How do they do that?
Hows that bloodborne running user?
Dont tell me that is not running at max specs on your $10k pc
Maybe on your shitcountry i have an 8k tv since 2 years ago faggot
4k/60 is already hard on modern PC games, no fucking shit a console won't do it. Its going to be the same shit. Ugly Console, Less Ugly Console, PC. The XSX will run shit better than the PS5 but still side by side look worse than PC because it drops settings to either hit 60FPS or again doesn't even hit 60FPS like Valhalla probably will not.
>another gen of 108ßp 3ß fps with dips
At least SeX first party will be keep a standard.
I guessing all xsx games shown were 4K, right?
Cant wait to play dota on 8k and 60fps with my russ and latin friends at full ssd speed
They gonna buy 2 PIS5's to own the xbots and libs!
Hush faggot you just need an usb c to have more speed than the ps hit5
Yeah, because you used your life savings to pay for it you larping whale. Don't ever speak to me again.
It's just the stream
>That C-money intro
>steam survey shows that 90% of PC MR play on 4K 240fps and the br and chinks play on 4k 120fps
Only console plebs play on anything less than 720p and 30fps and only faggots tablet switch users play on 480p 15fps
>Last gen was 720p 30fps on 360 vs 640p unlocked framerate on PS3
>This gen was 1080p vs 900p 30fps, or 900p vs 720p unlocked framerate on demanding titles
>He actually though next gen would be 2160p 60fps; a quadrupling of pixels and a doubling of framerate
I like 1440p 120+fps. I'm also enjoying Ray tracing already and have been for 2 years. :)
Literally this. It's been like this ever since the beginning of the PS360 gen.
>Life savings on tech that its going to be outdated in a year
Kek faggotBet you dont have any financial education and i bet you loot like the cuck you are
I just wish they gave the option for 1080p 60 fps or 4k 30 fps, I dont really care about graphics since they dont change that much
all i'm asking for is 1080p 60fps.
>last gen pc was 4K 60fps with 1080ti $800 vga
>this gen pc was 1080p 45fps with rtx $1500 2080ti vga
>next gen pc will be 720p 30fps with rtXYZ $3000 vga
On a scale of 1 to 10, how seething is retardera rn over them doing this analysis?
If you want to choose a lower quality then jut buy a pc you dumb retard you dont belongs to the Console Royal Race
Almost every single game at the show looked super pixelated and jaggy, it's weird. That SE game and Horizon were the worst offenders.
>nobody would develop for 1% of the PC market
i dunno man, there was plenty of mighty expensive gear this last go around. 2080's were like 1200 bucks
If you have money and want the best you go PC for everything and suffer through consoles being lesser machines for exclusives.
If you don't have money and are smart with good taste you just buy a mid range pc.
If you don't have money and have absolute dogshit for brains you buy only a console and post retarded shit about how great consoles are while eating human diarrhea for 8 years.
Can't wait until the Xbox event next month and see games running 4k60fps.
>consoles unable to do 60fps since forever
No shit, cretin
The only thing I looted was your wife. :^)
You act like this is surprising. It's a shitty console.
4K is the standard for TVs now, I picked up a 43” 4K HDR 120hz Samsung for $500 CAN in January of 2018.
no shit
120Hz AT 4k? Or 1440p?
I have my pc hooked into my similarly priced 4k t.v and it looks worse than my 1440p 144hz monitor. T.vs are shit unless you go high end.