How do you guys deal with sitting in a chair all day playing video games?

How do you guys deal with sitting in a chair all day playing video games?
I feel like if I'll go crazy if I don't get up every hour and walk around .

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I'm not fat


I weigh 145 pounds

what's that in first world units?

Something like 64 kg

i get up and walk around a lot
not intentionally for exercise but i pace when i think and when i play video games i have a lot of deep thoughts i have to deal with

I weigh 185 but I'm skinny fat. I've been going on a walk most days and jumping in the pool for an hour or so.
Back when I was working and not furloughed I was moving all god damn day and losing weight and now I'm not. Feels bad.

A cushioned butt and a butt cushion.

I love Kasen!

you install cushions in your ass?

I usually work out every half hour, I work out so much that the muscles of my ass are massive and I can't even stand up no more, Life is sweet.

10 stone

I get up every hour and walk around.

fuck off michele obama

ibara kasen

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how do I get a bigger ass?

why would you want to be fat

Clap your cheeks.

Anyone who doesn't get up and walk around every now and then is probably lazy and has back problems, I get up and walk around a bit all the time.
Having a good quality supportive chair helps massively.

thick is nice
I didnt say fat

Weighted front squats. You might be able to get a little fat with normal squats but it’s not as good as weighted

why would you want a thick ass if you aren't a woman?

First of all, we're not old hags. Second of all, just sit up straight lmao how hard can it be.

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cause women dont have monopoly on being thick and sexy, you dig?

Get a more comfortable chair. A very good chair may be a bit expensive but your back will thank you for it. Hell I can sleep in my chair and it's great.


I'm like 110lb and my ass isn't flat so I have cushioning. I'm really scared of the chair impaling me now thanks to the recent webm threads. What are the chances? My office chair is probably a decade old.

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I remember this one

>NOC Technician
>12 hour shifts, 4 times a week every night
>No breaks unless bathroom
You just pray for the clock to turn to 8am
My vidya chair has a cushion on it though

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Like what, egg sitter?

by getting up and walking around/stretching. What kind of retard just sits for hours upon hours

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I'm 5'10 and 170 with 34 inch waist and man boobs. Thoughts? Most of my weight seems to go to my waist which is the worst place for it to go to health wise apparently.

I wish, i'd probably get paid more

most of my weight goes to my thighs

1. Not fat.
2. Get up every 45 minutes to do minor chores/get snacks/use bathroom.
3. Comfy chair.
4. Go for a run almost every day.

I mostly mess around with VR games these days, and this was a big contributing factor. So don't lecture me about lack of exercise, mommy Kasen.

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>playing video games?
we don't do that
>I feel like if I'll go crazy if I don't get up every hour and walk around .
this is good to do, it's healthy