The ps5 is growing on me

the ps5 is growing on me

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How is that physically possible?

i've been in lockdown for over two months and i weigh exactly the same at a healthy 72kg. why are people retarded?

I've actually lost some weight. Nearly 20lbs.

Suicide attempt by food. I'm serious.
>that mask desperately trying to cling to his fat head

If only it was a woman instead.

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I went from looking built to looking strongfat since corona started. I didn't realize how much the gym was a crutch for me. I feel depressed as fuck being inside so often

> tfw you’ve been a hungry skelly your whole life and some chink gains nearly 2x your body weight in five months.
I’ve been trying to bulk for 8 months and I’ve gained ten pounds. Life is suffering

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>Suicide attempt by food
This is why I love humans. They're always so interesting and unique!