Will this game be any good?
Also why did dingle nuke his social media and channel?
Will this game be any good?
Also why did dingle nuke his social media and channel?
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He finally got the Lego Island map so there was no reason to keep going on
>gets PTSD from doing let's plays
Zack > DD > Chris > Matt > Everyone Else > Julian
>gets a stalker from doing lets plays
>stalker starts calling your parents and telling you they know where you live and how they'll slit your throat
From what I've seen it's very input heavy with de-emphasized platforming, which means it'll live or die on its enemy and encounter design.
And I don't know, because he's a drama llama, whatever.
is it the same stalker than made Brianna Wu flee their house?
Can you post some dev footage user? I keep trying to search for alpha gameplay videos but I cant find shit
Dingdong is one of the most pathetic limp wristed faggots I have ever fucking seen. Him and Julian are perfect for each other since they're both self loathing retards that will never improve or succeed in life. I fully expect a double suicide, Julian can crush dingdongs head in a tuba with his ass and Julian can fucking eat until he inflates and bursts or some shit. Both of them are so pitiful christ almighty.
Chris is the only e-celeb I've seen to not blindly support the organization (which is proven to be a money laundering front for the DNC) or give to bail funds (which also go to the DNC) so by default he is already smarter than most of them, which says more about how fucking retarded youtubers and "influencers" are than anything else if autistic potato boy can see through their blatant scam.
>which is proven to be a money laundering front for the DNC
It could be decent, but it will probably be stuck in development hell for eternity unless they get help like Oney did with Bowlbo.
>twitter link
real funny, now post an actual source
Well, it was all on the twitter, so it's nuked. Someones probably got it backed up, and there's the patreon build if you're one of those.
Can someone redpill me on this user autist who has a neverending grudge with Dingdong?
There's been a bunch of "fact checking" websites saying that it isn't, but if you actually see through the legal jargon they try to obfuscate the issue, none of what they say references how the funds you donate are forfeit after 60 days are kept by ActBlue who can then choose where the money goes. And honestly just common sense will tell you that a organization that receives millions of dollars in donations yet has zero transparency on what that money is used for is extremely shady.
show me one single program or piece of legislature that BLM has funded
Ding Dong made fun of him on a livestream for being annoying in the chat or something. He didn’t take it well.
Who is this? What game?
fuck off ding dong had legitimate problems with people doing shit to him
did he prove it?
how are you going to prove someone coming to your house and asking your neighbors and shit about you?
Matt was decent when he was on Chris' show and was emulating his humor but holy fuck is he onions on his own
so.. no?
JonTron too.
>implying insane autismos don't exist
>extra implying that dingledong wouldn't easily pick one up from his gross furry fetish circles that's absolutely teeming with the mentally ill
Remember that one japanese idol that got assaulted in her apartment because a turboautist found out where she lived from the reflection in her eyes in a photo? Picture that but like ten times as worse.
can you prove to me what you got at a restaurant 6 months ago?
>bad things exist
>that proves bad things are happening here too!
no that's not how evidence works.
Tomar is the worst though
His stupid fuckin comic book guy Simpsons voice
His complete ignorance to whatever game they're playing his bitchass passive agression
He's insufferable sometimes
Jerma goes above and beyond avoiding fags and drama.
yes because I'd have a receipt
This is mostly correct but Tomar is worse than Julian
>muh DNC.
He doesn't know. Poor thing.
Tough Bippy
post a link
>He's lying because I don't like him
>medium post
>this thing COULD be happening, is it though? whoops article's over
That's not a source, that's just embarrassing.
fake tweet
Did they ever do anything with Trigger Treat?
what is it