fuck Vashnar

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Don't bring guns to a bow fight.

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How the FUCK is that song not in the game?

it's weird because there is actually singing when you activate the shanty ability in a battle

but it's not that song

>Turn 100
>Giant patch of ruins surrounded by factions
Wow, I wonder what I'll find up there

>there's an actual full shanty in the game
>its not used anywhere outside of a very specific circumstance
>the song CA put up on youtube is missing 80% of the lyrics

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what's the point of loot if you're fucking undead

Farewell and adeiu to you spainish ladies
farewell and adeiu to you ladies of spain
for we received orders to sail for old England
and we`ll never see you fair ladies again

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How often does the DLC go on sale? I know a sale just ended.

the zombie crewman do actually seem to have a bit of self-awareness or at least some memory of what they were in life, they're not just brainless shamblers like Vampire Count zombies and skellies

Gold plating your ships to style all over the faggots you are bombarding from 5 miles away

the next sale is in 12 days and it's pretty much always on sale on third party sites

>Ally drags me into a war with a faction I made a peace treaty with 2 turns ago
>Side with him and tank my reliability or break the alliance and tank my reliability
I don't know why I keep making alliances

I have ~10 Alliances and in war with ~13 factions. Am I doing anything wrong?

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making alliances is basically useless unless they're a different race and literally right next door to you and in a climate that's bad for you

If you are playing Skaven you are doing everything right.
Hopefully with all the wars your stupid faggot rat ass will get wiped out sooner rather than later.

>in alliances
>doing anything right

Stand strong. The Empire fears the Rat.

If you are experiencing a complete and utter world war, then congratulations you're having peak fun.

>playing Repantsu
>Skryre has the ABSOLUTE GALL to sail across the ocean to Araby and ruin my day while I'm fucking around with Eshin on the east side
>completely ignores Sartosa that I had captured ages ago
what the fuck is this AI

Best generic lords for Greenskins?

Whats up with that isn't that a tomb king curse trait. Also I know It would be a ton of work that ca will never do but you should be able to raise all the races and monsters from the dead if you beat them in battle.

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There really needs to be a settlement trading mechanic in WH3, I'm sick of needing to either expand my territory 6000 miles away from where I want to be or razing a settlement only to have the original faction retake it a turn later.

I mean, Arkhan himself is someone who straight-up died and was raised who retains his full consciousness and memories, so clearly raising undead while retaining who they were in life isn't impossible for non-Tomb Kings. Presumably the zombie crewman need to retain at least a bit of personality/memory to operate a sailing ship, they're not just battlefield chaff.

I'm empire just had no better pic to describe the situation. My allies get fucked hard in the North by Norsca, Orc raiders and some Empire fags with Bullhead emblem, to the West my one army and Bretonians are fighting against Red Duke, Noctilus and Wood Elves(Dawi asked for help), to the east Von Karnstein and other undead are at war but not attacking, to the eat it's Skarsnik getting hammer by Karl and Dawi. There are several more wars Dawi dragged me into but they are far away from my borders

Henri with his ancient fren

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the Dawi are such assholes in the lategame

goblin shaman on catchweb spider shrine

It was nagash that did it though, not the average necromancer.

Thanks user.