Shows up in the new Ratchet and Clank video for like 2 seconds

>shows up in the new Ratchet and Clank video for like 2 seconds
>already has shitloads of porn
>developers were prepared for this and are ok with it

I love the Internet

Attached: EaRRyqgXQAE0rFu.jpg (1920x1080, 208.77K)

Godsneed to you too user

Attached: 1561258743962.jpg (352x386, 16.48K)

>Anthromorphic character
>Instant porn fanbase with a high chance of continued content months to years later
>All my favourite characters
>27 fanart images and a few meme edits on Zig Forums
I don't really like this timeline myself.


Attached: EaSD3KWVcAEuZ7y.png (1805x1947, 1.77M)

Attached: EaSaTxZUMAQyriC.jpg (1189x521, 220.71K)

I love her!

Attached: 1b6ae23040ed414270abddaa5c801d55.jpg (850x543, 97.17K)

Just learnt to like mainstream stuff then.
Bam, now all your favourites will have thousands upon thousands of porn pics.

>I love the Internet

Attached: 5745684684.png (251x425, 38.22K)

cute boy

Ok Wojakposter