>furshit is suddenly okay because Sony did it
Furshit is suddenly okay because Sony did it
i fucking hate mario 3. it's such a furry game
Furshit was always based
The only bad furries are gay furries
what about jap furgarbage
Furtshit has been around since 1991 newfag whiteboys
For once you are based hand fag
It's always been okay. Mallet is just more okay
I want them to aggressivley hug me!
Sindoll is working on it so everything is probably going to feel vaguely rapey, I don't know much about the other two artists.
I will post my ps2 library its too good and ive played all ps consoles but still love 4
Hearts are going to be broken when it turns it it's male
Nintendos been cashing in on furshit for decades
furshit was always ok
you mean it will spawn even more boners than before
Furshit was always ok. Fuck off, newfag
>everything is probably going to feel vaguely rapey
I wouldn't have it any other way
It isn't but snoygroes are mostly gay black furries anyway.
brainlet retard
Devs already said it was female.
furshit never was okay, moot said so himself.
Kemono is though but there is a massive difference between both.
triple nigger newfag.
do furries like anime furries?
I know the whole tail thing, but I have no faith that they're gonna follow that. I assume the thought process was fluffy tail = cute
>how many times do i have to explain
Further has never been okay especially when it doesn't fit in my coffee kino
Go away, Sonicfox.
Could be, but she's also from an alternate dimension so the whole tail thing might be reversed where she's from or not apply at all.
>suddenly ok
Imagine being a janitor of this godfosaken board
>weebtrannies are still mad
>furry is not okay
>but furry is okay
>feminism takes over vidya industry
>what about female anthro characters?
This is a future I'm okay with.
Also space jam 2 and zootopia 2 on the way for them bunny tiddies.
>Kemono is though but there is a massive difference between both.
What's the difference? Because it's Japan?
Never give furries an inch or they will ruin your community. There's a reason furfag shit is banned on every board.