Videogames have finally achieved Disney-Pixar levels of graphical fidelity. Discuss.
Videogames have finally achieved Disney-Pixar levels of graphical fidelity. Discuss
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I don't care, I'd rather have 60fps
>captured on PS5*
>*the game only looks like this if you take screenshots
Meaningless when the character interaction has devolved so fucking much from the original
That doesn't prove anything
post his paws
I don't mind it, but I can see how fans of the original sense of humor would dislike the more heroic but less expressive/tamer approach.
And Disney-Pixar levels costs.
It didn't improve the fucking games, did it?
A fur shader is high tech now?
Is this pre-rendered or real-time?
"captured on PS5" can mean that it's just a picture from a cinematic.
When they say "captured on" it means rendered on. It won't actually look like that.
Theoretically, if that was just some prerendered animation someone did on a mainframe and burned it to a DVD and played it on a PS5, could they still legally say it was "captured on PS5"?
Still looking crusty to me.
Here's your next gen Ratchet and Clank experience, bro.
Graphics are the least important aspect of video games, and having an expectation for Pixar-level graphics will take a lot of money and development resources despite making a marginal difference in the enjoyment of the game.
>Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. Well, it all started when I crash landed on some backwater desert planet...
Is that a boy or a girl?
Pixar movies don't dip below 30fps
You forgot the record scratch
Your opinion on games is worthless if you play Dwarf Fortress.
Mallet getting Snagglebeasted when
but at what cost? I want to go back, I hate graphics now.
Another gen where people fall for bullshots I see.
Is it too gameplay-heavy for the modern cinematic gamer?
dwarf fortress is literally better than anything shown for the PooStation 5.
Sorry you lack the prefrontal cortex necessary for abstract thoughts
boy cat
Yes. It's incredible what ray-tracing on consoles has allowed.
Probably non-binary
Why do old graphics just look better, and more "gamey"?
They've been repeating this line ever since Tools of Destruction
Sure it looks really nice but I'd rather it run at 60fps like A Crack in Time
>people think the games wont be downgraded to hell and back
They even already used photo mode themselves, which briefly renders the game with higher detail for nicer screenshots. And they still think screenshots are gameplay.
Please no. Please.
They literally had S O U L
Who cares?
Graphics are LITERALLY one of the least important aspects of a game.
Because it looks technical and unrealistic. Perfect graphics are boring.
>reddit fortress
Nobody thinks your high IQ because you play that nerd shit buddy
Honestly the only time realistic graphics are impressive is in VR.
Their gender is female.
sucks that all games are now white men hating sjw games where even ratchet is now getting replaced and emasculated by a new female protagonist
whipped out all 3 proxies for that one huh
i couldn't give a shit
Your mind could fill in the gaps back then. With PS5 games you can see every hair follicle and sweat droplet leaving little to no room for imagination.
>no innuendos in the title
Fucking soulless
>>Dwarf fortress keeps me entertained and I find new things to do for well over hundreds of hours of gameplay
>>If I get a 20 hours of gameplay out of any of the PS5 games that would be a fucking miracle.
Your point is?
God, I fucking love R&C.
It doesnt matter if they cant make surrealism or imposible worlds
Exit the thread or stop whining like a bitch.
I read that as BBC
I'd say art style is important for anything with a budget becase marketing, but you don't need Pixar tech to make something timeless as proven by Zelda games
Why does ratchet look like a kid?
This is an alpha build you know. Pic related
One of the most beatiful game on PS5 so far
Graphics are clearly the most important aspect of a game since people are going to line up to buy a new console where nothing will change with their games other than the graphics.
Me too, it's the only ps5 game so far that has me wanting a ps5.
Jfc half the video is just fat ben shapiro talking.
artstyle is way more important than graphics
despite ratchet surfing into several environnements, all of them are boring as hell with no particularities
It's obviously a guy. Anyone saying otherwise is a faggot in denial.
>fur looks like that
>hair still looks like shit
It's just not fair hairbros, why do furries keep on winning
They had to work around the limitations of the time and usually had some kind of stylized art direction
Now realism is the main priority and the only limit is budget size(which keeps getting bigger and bigger every year for AAA games)
More empty space so you can focus on what's important, modern games fill every single millimetre of space with ferns or something
Why does this game look like fucking HD Lego? So many particles and shit flying around, nothing too interesting or impactful
How can people love that shit? I assume that the previous entries were more appealing
That new ratchet and clank games very soulless. I would much rather have graphics like pic related and get a trilogy of multiple ips in the console's lifespan than get 1 or 2 platformers per gen.
Clearly a girl from the voice.
They don't, but ok.
I'd boop that nose
gender fluid otherkin
did you just assume zirs gender shitlord?
Why should I give a fuck? This just opens the door for more pseudorealistic garbage """art""" styles like MHW and DMCV use.