The only reason people ever liked Halo 2 was because it was one of the first console shooters with online MP and people...

The only reason people ever liked Halo 2 was because it was one of the first console shooters with online MP and people have nostalgic memories of it. You guys were eight when this came out, just admit it
>ruined the needler
>ruined the pistol
>replaced it with inconsistent shit-tier RNG battle rifle
>inferior to CE and 3 in basically every conceivable way
>cringe story
>cringe dialouge
>cringe licensed music
>graphics somehow worse than original

Attached: halo 2.png (800x960, 1.82M)

who cares it was fun

How is the battle rifle inconsistent RNG? God you're shit.

>single projectile versus three projectiles
>if one misses you need an additional burst

This. If anything it's the most consistent weapon in the game lol.

The story is fucking great and is just cucked by a cliffhanger because of bungie's megacrunch and rush to complete it

Pull the three foot long purple cock out of your ass, faggot.

the problem is its not fun
pull the alien dick out of your mouth tranny

battle rifle is a fucking surgical tool scrub

Its a literal crutch gun.

It's definitely the weakest of the original three games.

Attached: HaloTier.png (1185x1126, 1.14M)