>ITT: Games with some absolutely bullshit bosses
Why did anyone think the Traitor Lord was a good idea
ITT: Games with some absolutely bullshit bosses
Traitor Lord was fine but I thought the walk to it from the bench was a bit long for the difficulty.
Not even the worst boss
That dream warrior with the sheiks was clearly not tested
I grew to appreciate the Traitor Lord in the Pantheon of the Knight. Dodging his attacks with Sharp Shadow was some fun stuff.
Every boss is doable, I kinda suck at games and still managed to complete everything. Traitor Lord was definitely one of the tougher ones until you figure out the strategy though.
Did you get filtered by Traitor Lord or something? That fight is built to teach you how to properly use the Shade Cloak. The route back to the boss sucks but I had Dream Gate by then.
lmao learn to play. only really bullshit boss is acended markoth, because that is where I got filtered
>traitor lord
i first tried him you dumb faggot, wait until you see some dumb shit like markoth, or radiance, those guys will fuck you up
Only bad thing about him, after he does one of his attacks and you stand right next to him to do damage, he can walk right into you without any telegraph whatsoever, rather than starting to do either his dash or jump from the position he was in.
traitor lord was one of the easiest shit ever. how much of a casual noob are you?
Lost Kin is an absolutely badly designed boss
The only bullshit boss is absolute radiance. Every other is solid or passable
Definitely. I already hate bosses where the adds are more difficult than the boss but with Lost Kin it feels especially cheap.
to be honest that was the main thing i liked about the game, really wish it was only bosses
He got a massive buff with one of the expansions, he's no longer the easy pushover he was on release
Still not even close to being the hardest in the game, but he's a legit threat now
>all these baby tier bosses itt
Worst boss imo was Flukemarm just because you have such little room to do anything, plus the fucking homing parasites or whatever, Traitor lord took me a few tries though
I have never heard of anybody struggling on Flukemarm.
you have now user
Man, whats the deal with all these shitters playng HK and thinking the main appeal of the game is being "hard"???
Fuck off, all of these are piss easy once you get their patterns and timing right
It can be a bit tough if you don't have any spells, no mask upgrades or any nail upgrades. You just need to find a simple key and go to Royal Waterways right after getting the Mantis Claw. Instead of one shotting the parasites, they take like 3 hits instead, you get overwhelmed fast.
I just got the game for the first time a month ago and traitor lord still wasn’t even that hard. You retards need to learn how to dash properly.
He could legit 1 shot the knight and still not be that hard a boss because he has like 3 total attacks and generally only uses 2 of them. Like dude just jump to the left or right every goddamn time
>Absolute Radiance
I'm never doing the Pantheon of Hallownest again. Took 30 or so tries, and it was down to luck. What a piece of shit boss.
You got filtered by traitor lord?
You're just saying that because you're bad.
I dunno if it's just because I've reached a level of skill where I can comfortably beat every boss 9/10 even with all bindings on, but the most annoying bosses to me aren't the ones people usually claim to be "hard", but rather bosses that are so badly designed they are basically just designed to annoy you. Elder Hu, No Eyes, Marmu, Uumuu, fucking OBLOBBLES, shit like that makes me fucking puke.
>mfw I am still being filtered by the first Hornet fight
I had more trouble doing Radiant Zote then fagshield.
Though they were both a bitch.
Pic related is the true Radiant Dickblock
That's fine. You still have lots of time to improve. Ignore healing and use all your magic to get some extra damage in instead. You can jump and swipe down to get an extra hit in when you jump over her dashes but try not to stay in the air too long in general.
Focus of dodging until you read her subconciously and then learn to utilize downtime between her attacks.
This works on every boss.
>but he's a legit threat now
i finished the game 10 days ago. what legit threat? just shade cloak again and again. navigating to boss is harder than to boss' itself.
Lost Kin gives me more fucking trouble in pantheon than NKG :/ I just have so much trouble beating that boss without just taking tons of damage
I can't wait for retards to get filtered by Silksong once it comes out in 2022
As long as they don't have bullshit on the level of Godhome's radiant battles and pantheon of the hallownest, I'm happy
you can always try to tank hornet with thorns of agony + defender's crest + spore shroom