>Double/triple techs make your characters feel more like a party working together and make composition more interesting
>Enemies are encountered and fought on the field screen, no awkward transitions
>Characters all have their own endgame sidequests to wrap up their stories, no one is forgotten
So why did most JRPGs just ignore these essential improvements this game made to the formula? And there's probably more that I'm forgetting.
Double/triple techs make your characters feel more like a party working together and make composition more interesting
>sidequests to wrap up their stories, no one is forgotten
>Magus never found Schala
>Magus was retconned out of chrono cross and arguably out of radical dreamers
>Kid/Schala basically just thanks Serge and walks away after getting the true ending
>literally the biggest loose end of the chrono series, not even mentioned in Another Eden
>chala basically just thanks Serge and walks away after getting the tru
true but magus is an asshole and basically the shadow the edgehog of the game. justice for frog.
What happened in the sequels is not Trigger's fault.
Ok, but it's still a loose end in CT. Even the garbage extra content in the DS port doesn't resolve anything other than how Magus got amnesia and probably became Guile.
To be fair, frog killing magus is more in line with the story
I disagree. It feels more natural for him to have seen the events that led to Janus becoming Magus first hand and forgiving him
now if it didn't have braindead combat, flat characters, shit artstyle, puerile writing... I guess it might be decent...
>the only criticisms against chrono trigger are.... chrono cross
every time
>essential improvements