>everyone wanks PoE off
>they let Tyranny slip under their radar
Fucking how? This game is the best Obisidian title after New Vegas and is a great game in its own right, let alone compared to most CRPG revival ones. It has a loyal fanbase and earned its recognition there, but it's just a fucking shame so many people were stoked about TOW and rode its dick, despite being vastly inferior and merely a better Fallout 4. Go fuck yourselves, you fucking faggots, you complaing "WHEREM UH GOOD GAMES AT" all the time, yet don't support them or give them their due once they are released.
Everyone wanks PoE off
I liked Tyranny but I wish they didn't just go "yeah I don't feel like making this anymore"
I love Tyranny, but the game ended just as it was getting good. We'll never get another game in that setting either, since it's owned by paradox.
I actually liked it
I think their marketing planted wrong ideas into Zig Forums
painfully boring game that doesn't go far enough with its setting, it's constantly pussyfooting and playing it safe
companions and writing is stale and poor
if the budget wasn't siphoned to pay for PoE 2 and there was a lead director who gave a shit like Avellone perhaps, it might have been great
>everyone wanks PoE off
Only autismos do. I've been saying that Tyranny is Obsidian's best game like forever. Yes, it's better than nu-Vegas.
yeah people shit on it with "MUH SJW" boogeyman and talked smack
Post your:
>role-playing style
It's because you're completely delusional.
New Vegas was the last good Obsidian game.
Most of the staff left after New Vegas, which would be replaced by worse and worse staff.
PoE had bad writing and mediocre gameplay
Tyranny had terrible writing and mediocre gameplay
The Outer Worlds had shit writing, medicore gameplay, and it was extremely short.
Outer Worlds was Obsidian's final attempt to make a good RPG, now they're working on an open world crafting survival game in a desperate attempt to save the company.
All the talent is gone, it's time to let go.
The gameplay is garbage, the writing is shit and it's more pozzed than any Bioware title. You're a fucking moron. Get some taste.