>Microsoft Xbox Series X
>2.4 GB/s
>Sony Playstation 5
>5.5 GB/s
okay, microsoft
>Microsoft Xbox Series X
>2.4 GB/s
>Sony Playstation 5
>5.5 GB/s
okay, microsoft
>Can't achieve 60fps on first party
Ha nobody replied to your thread. That's how you know you should really kill yourself, when nobody responds to you on Zig Forums
Hey there! Did you know that as part of the Xbox Velocity Architecture, in addition to the custom SSD, there is a custom hardware decompression block which essentially doubles the 2.4GB/s I/O throughput on the Xbox Series X? Probably not, but if your interested you should also check out Xbox's solution for compression as well as the DirectStorage API and Sampler Feedback Streaming! GLHF
Microsoft, a top tier software company, will undoubtedly come ahead on raw power and that includes load times as well. If you're trying to win any Xsex vs PS5 argument, you can really only talk about exclusive games. In the end this all just comes down to exclusive games because otherwise it's better to just get a pc...
>trannystation 5
your move, Sonygroid.
fuck off trannie
Oh my, I'm gonna save a whole 1 seconds when loading my games!!!!! Gotcha Xbox fans:DDD so glad to be a playstation gaymeeeer xD
Trannies are the ones buying the wokestation 5 for GVH
>>>>its a console player pretends to know about ssd thread
>m-muh SSD
It's just sad at this point.
Everyone knows the Xbox SX is already ancient trash OP, no need top keep bringing it up.
'This escalated after an interview with an engineer from Epic China (which has since been taken down) revealed the demo seen running on the PS5 ran just as well on a laptop. In fact the PC reportedly ran the demo better, with the PS5 managing 30fps at 1440p while the laptop hit 40fps at the same resolution from within the editor itself'
It's actually a pretty nasty marketing gimmick to make up for the massive difference in power the reality is current laptops with current SSDs can run it better. Enjoy your timed exclusives and DLCspooderman
Incorrect tranny, most of your kind reside on PC
nice fake news retard, already proven the laptop was only playing a video of UE5 demo on PS5
imagine believing chinks
That does not disporve anything you fucking idiot the fact a laptop CAN run it means it's not inherently linked to the next gen SSDs fuck fanboys are stupid.
Yeah we saw how clearly superior that SSD during the event
>5.5GB/s, PCIe 4.0 x4 NVMe
So basically, what an hypothetical Samsung 1070 SSD will be like.
Cool stuff Sony.
>Microsoft Xbox Series X
>Google Stadia
>Sony Playstation 5
Okay, Sony
PS5 SSD will only be used by first party games if it actually brings any noticeable enhancement, it doesn't seem to, judging by shadow and lighting pop-ins in GT7 and Ratchet and Clank
XboxSex's promises of 60fps will only be kept by first party games like Halo, Gears and Hellblade.
Multiplatform games will neither be 60fps nor will they load noticeably quicker due to SSDs.
tl;dr PS5 SSD magic only in first party exclusives
60fps on Xbox only in first party
>has a literal tranny videogame on his console
>target up to 30fps
>up to 30fps
>"MUH SSD!!"
lmao. enjoy your 1440p 40fps cinematic games, snoys.
You can say it as many times as you want, doesnt make it true faggot.
he doesn't know :P
Man I can't wait for the Series X to shit all over PS5 in performance comparisons later this year
Soinybros have already started shitting on DF after they pixel counted their conference lol
>PC is the building blocks for all Gaming
but they showed a game running on a PC
but it can load games 0.5sec faster than sexbox
Gran Turismo is more than likely 60FPS. Sony doesn't have a Halo equivalent to be a linear shooter WHOA ITS 60FPS. If Fable, open world RPG hits 4k/60 I'd be impressed then.
Meanwhile they were backtracking a ton on Valhalla probably not hitting 60FPS
>post stats that actually make a difference to in-game performance
Who cares bro, look at the games at 24fps 1080p
>ssd news
what could they mean by this?
They never claimed the video was laptop footage you dumb ass tranny. Stop taking HRT, it hurts your reading comprehension and eye sight.
prove it was, Tim Sweeney even said it wasnt
they claimed laptop was running it when it wasnt and redacted their story cause they are terrible journalists that took misunderstood translations and ran with it
Kys tard
No they didn't you third world ESL. Can't be that hard to just look it up instead instead of lying "t-they deleted it!11!111".
The SSD emphasis is a massive gaffe. The sole potential advantage is
rapid streaming of mega detailed unique data defined across a whole world, like lightmaps. But the industry has cried out for years for more
...dynamic global illumination, for faster development and better potential for dynamic worlds. And baked lighting has been (potentially, in the best cases) really nice for over a decade.
Typically loading data is processor bound since its compressed. Even with 8 cores it probably won't be practical for games to have that kind of bandwidth. The most practical use case is dumping the game instance to disk and back.