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video game?

I know that artstyle. Think I used to see softcore porn from the artist on boorus.

How do you go from Furi, to this dogshit?

>white hair+red eyes

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cuckold simulator 2020

is this the porn artist?

Every time what? Killing people?

white woman and brown man is not even rare

Zig Forums is so predicable

Why does she look like Kat?

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this, its the norm these days

>western dev
>pair white woman with dark skinned male

Every time, the west is beyond cucked

Kat bout to get BLACKED

black man white woman interracial couple. it's been pushed hard in entertainment for a couple of years now

That's not black you fucking obsessed fuck
My biological brother from the same father and mother is of that color and i'm white


it's the most heavily pushed by the media even when it's the least successful interracial pairing statistically

It's Koyorin. He did ecchi at most from what I remember.

>dude is tan
>anons are so obsessed with interracial porn the pretend it's an interracial couple
you faggots need the gas

But she is brown

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Should have taken a screenshot without dialogue to drive that point then.

thought it was dave cheung

So I can self insert on top of it? I'm thinkin based.

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it's not about porn you mongoloid retard. it's everywhere in tv and advertising in general

why do white people love offering up their women to other races so much, what the fuck is wrong with you people


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>lovers action game
I fuking love this shit, I wish there were more games like that

Sad to see this is the same studio that made Furi.

>the nose
>the lips
>the hair
That's clearly not a nigger. You guys are fucking retarded.

>What is an art style
Absolute retard


You can't draw blacks like they look like or you are racist, retard.

No matter the art style white features are white features. You guys are too fucking obsessed about niggers to think for a second.

friendzone simulator

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i wonder who could be behind this

Will you stop crying if we slightly turn the color to white? I think that would make you happy, right?