I want a Kengan Ashura fighting game.
I want a Kengan Ashura fighting game
and I want to have sex but sometimes we cannot get what we want, deal with it.
It would just end up being some 6/10 bamco fighter with no depth.
Have sex.
Which studio?
Can it be like a marvel vs capcom, but do Kengan Ashura vs Baki?
3v3 games stink though
for me? it's cosmo. resets and tick command grabs.
no you don't. fighting games suck ass
Okubo, fuck your one trick pony.
Holy based what a chad.
Punk bitch capoiera boxer.
Degenerate no fundies havin bitch
nezu of course. i ONLY play lowtiers. wait till he gets buffed
Beard. Auto block everything to build up meter and then one-shot them with the Devil Lance special.
Kuroki Gensai obviously, why would I waste my time picking losers
tier whoring faggots get murdered around here.
Ohma honestly
stance character
Says the guy with a spare heart
>He thinks Ohma isn't broken as fuck
Jun so I don't have to block
>tfw Ohma was Beard level the entire time
Would you want the gameplay to be like Street Fighter, Tekken, or UFC?
so basically Tekken
Koga vs Mikazuchi, who wins?
we're overdue for a non-RL game with mma gameplay
street fighter
koga cant even beat nezu
Unironically UFC except with a better dev team
rubberman to disgust my opponents with body horror
But Koga's eyes are the perfect counter for speed type fighters like Rei.
Akoya is basically ripping off Kazuya's design