I want a Kengan Ashura fighting game

I want a Kengan Ashura fighting game.

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and I want to have sex but sometimes we cannot get what we want, deal with it.

It would just end up being some 6/10 bamco fighter with no depth.

Have sex.


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Which studio?

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Can it be like a marvel vs capcom, but do Kengan Ashura vs Baki?

3v3 games stink though

for me? it's cosmo. resets and tick command grabs.

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no you don't. fighting games suck ass

Okubo, fuck your one trick pony.

Holy based what a chad.


Punk bitch capoiera boxer.

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Degenerate no fundies havin bitch

nezu of course. i ONLY play lowtiers. wait till he gets buffed

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Beard. Auto block everything to build up meter and then one-shot them with the Devil Lance special.

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Kuroki Gensai obviously, why would I waste my time picking losers

tier whoring faggots get murdered around here.

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Ohma honestly
stance character

Says the guy with a spare heart

>He thinks Ohma isn't broken as fuck

Jun so I don't have to block


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>tfw Ohma was Beard level the entire time


Would you want the gameplay to be like Street Fighter, Tekken, or UFC?

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so basically Tekken

Koga vs Mikazuchi, who wins?

we're overdue for a non-RL game with mma gameplay

street fighter
koga cant even beat nezu

Unironically UFC except with a better dev team

rubberman to disgust my opponents with body horror

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But Koga's eyes are the perfect counter for speed type fighters like Rei.

Akoya is basically ripping off Kazuya's design

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