just woke up from a coma, is 5.3 still on schedule for this coming Tuesday?
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>is 5.3 still on schedule for this coming Tuesday?
I know nothing of ffxiv but heard there was going to be an update that changes the starting zones/leveling experience, is this the one?
PS5 port confirmed
it never was
Next month
That's 5.3. It's going to trim the ARR vanilla campaign to ease up on new players.
Who the fuck thought it was smart to put the USB port in the middle of the console?
>it will never be July 2019 and you will never get to experience Shadowbringers for the first time again
They never announced the release date for 5.3 you dumbass, Yoshida only recently said it was targeting June 13th before corona fucked everything.
>about to enter Stormblood
Is it as bad as they say?
>Want to play a fun pet role in MMO or literally any game
>Don't want to just replay FF11 again. Want to play something new
>Friends tells me to play XIV summoner. Say it's one of the best pet jobs in the genre with epic summons and great pet dynamics
>Know they're wrong and just shilling but play through game anyway
>Don't have fun but liked the time spent with them
Are there any fun games with pet based characters. Or about controlling something else to do the fighting for you? Could a role like that work in XIV or outside the typical MMO combat system? I really just want to do puppetmaster things again but it's difficult to keep going in XI as it's a game I've already finished and played to death.
Nah, it has issues but you'll appreciate it over time.
just play pokemon u fag
worse. hella predictable, anime-ass writing and tropes everywhere, and the 2 conflicts may as well be different DLC with how they little crossover they have
PSO2 has a summoner class where you raise different pets and control them in combat
Just play SMN bro
The only problem is that, ithas you hopping around different conflicts during the MSQ.
Especially if you don't like Grynewaht
It's like three filler arcs in a row of GARLEANS BAD
DMC5 has a pretty fun summoner character
chad console rises above the rest
5.3 and FFXIV were cancelled so Yoshida could shift the FFXIV team into his FFXVI project.
The pet in XIV barely does anything and is functionally just a DoT. There is no reason to use anything other than ifrit, maybe garuda in dungeon AoE spam. And his three abilities could just be spells you cast yourself and it'd make no difference and honestly make the job play better as you wouldn't have to deal with the summon being retarded.
Was already confirmed to be not true.
XIV resources were actually diverted to Black Lives Matter and Project Athia (action-adventure female black protagonist isekai)
When the fuck is this going on sale
No it's gonna be this
when 5.3 comes out
Does it even play with the Samurai theme at all? I am about to level a Sam
Doma is alright, ala mhigo sucks.
Doma is more NIN than SAM
Doma is worse, I hate Doma