When is it going to stop?

When is it going to stop?

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Am I the only person who doesn’t care about fucking Bloodborne?
If you don’t like souls-shit games, its literally worth nothing.

when bloodborne comes to pc?

then it will go the way of Read Dead Redemption 2. Everyone will see that it's overrated garbage

92 is a good score?

I don't know, but at this point it's getting fucking embarrassing.

They never fucking learn.

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God imagine being poor and not owning both

It is both the objectively best souls game and also a very good game that is diverse enough from the souls formula for people that have no interest in souls to enjoy it.
It's not -just- a meme that it has been hailed as ps4's one game all these years. It's really just that good.

>People buy meme nvdia and windows 10 to play indies

it's not about the game. it's about the fact that other people having it makes its initial audience angry

No you're not, user. I have no idea what the fucking appeal is.

I hope soon to shut up faggots on both sides

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When PC gets good exclusives again (never)

You don't know much about videogames, Half-Life Alyx just came out earlier this year and it is a huge amazing PC exclusive.

These falseflags gotta stop.

Please stop instigating or participating in a flame war.

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Never because they have the memory of a goldfish

i fell off of it around the fucking spider boss, just felt kind of shitty and everything looked way too fucking muddy

*VR exclusive

same boat, and im a huge ps fanboy btw

Daily reminder that there’s still one game left from the deal between Sony and From, after Elden Ring we are getting another From exclusive on PlayStation.


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What about Deracine?

7 years and only ONE game! how does sony do it?

If it was on pc it would leak just like how p4g did.
demon's souls remake

>lol we have one single game that people actually want to play

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>yea bro i got a ps4 coz... well, my mom wouldnt let me build a computer. bloodborne is based anyway, Zig Forums said so

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anyone know that furry account that said it was coming

Its a legit good, fun, and never gets old even after so many playthroughs. Just replayed it after not touching it for a year and its still relevant. I have a pc as well but cmon, if you cant afford a pc and another console, check your priorities.