Nuka World

What are your thoughts on this DLC?
I'm having fun so far

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Please play an actual Fallout game like New Vegas instead of this pleb trash

-Signed, people with actual taste

Honestly liked it a lot. Only did Far Harbor once but have done this one a couple times over. The different amusement parks have some cool dungeons and gives me the spooky haunted amusement park feel I always liked, especially the one with all the ghouls.
Whole thing feels wacky so it's at least true to theme. I mean you start out in a gauntlet and have to kill a guy hooked up to electrified power armor with a water gun.

>there are actual roleplaying games he could be playing like Persona 4 Golden and he wastes time playing this
Are you retarded?
No, seriously.
How could you like playing this garbage over all the good games you could be playing?

>big company pr show game hahaha

Having a radio station that didn’t play 300 year old music was nice.

it’s still a far better RPG and experience than fucking fallout 4

persona are not RPGs

they are Virtual Novels and Highschool Simulators. Both these things are for bottom rung losers

really all the fallout 4 dlc is top tier, shame the base game is shit tier

how is persona not a RPG