I'm a gamer

>I'm a gamer
what kind of person do you imagine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


cunny loving autist

a fat faggot

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A faggot

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a greek god with a nice, juicy uncut cock


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a white dude with sleepy eyes that has bed hair that's going from MtF

Attached: 2c31581b1f8f60ba843ebb3fe327e435.jpg (675x1200, 122.63K)

Either legit mentally retarded or a pedo


a guy who plays video games

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someone who plays video games and takes it too seriously.

Some soi looking boy with a beard, spade pattern black and red shirt and black videogame t-shirt.
Also high chances to hold a Monster can in his head.

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she's cute

Closet racist.

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someone more interesting that shares common with me

Someone who plays video games

I imagine every post that I agree with on the internet regarding video games to be written by Vin Diesel

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Some fag that plays League of Legends, Fortnite, Dota 2, CSGO or CoD Warzone

Rage comic were peak soul

Back then, I'd imagine some fat elitist douche. Nowadays, I think of a normie playing CoD or something.

A racist bigot like this


If you self-identify as a gamer you're a fucking loser
i play video games every day, i've been playing video games since i was a little kid, and i love video games. but i would never consider myself a gamer, because that's fucking retarded.


Pretentious normie or a very young kid.

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17-year old kid who plays the same online multiplayer game all of his free time, probably CS or some mobashit