How will PCtards cope with the next generation of consoles being more powerful at a cheaper price point? Is PC Gaming finally dead?
How will PCtards cope with the next generation of consoles being more powerful at a cheaper price point...
>still runs gamea at 30fps
By bullying you online
>Is PC Gaming finally dead?
yes, surely this time you have triumphed console warrior
i salute you for your service to your people
>cheaper price point
This faggot really thinks an RTX2080 super is comparable to whatever the fuck is in the consoles?
>Thinking a console will have 2080 super performance
I died.
>"build" a computer using a service that puts it all together for you with an insane amount of overhead and price gouging
>wtf guys you said PC gaming was affordable!!
No. He's just intentionally using the MOST expensive hardware he can find because, in his mind, the PS5 is using some kind of future tech. In reality it's going to be running the equivalent of a downclocked 2070.
The series X GPU is rated higher than an RTX2080 Super
Now that PC gaming is officially over, what PS5 version are you guys buying?
By not being poor.
>How will PCtards cope
By not paying for online and being able to play games at +60 FPS lol
Microsoft makes quite a lot of claims when none of them are in writing. It will be interesting to see if AMD actually sold MS a GPU that was more powerful than anything they've released direct to consumers
What's even the point of up to date spec anymore? The games worth playing in the last 10 years all ran fine on toasters.
Are consoleniggers so mentally retarded that they think they'll get 2080 performance?
You won't even get 1080 performance.
by not having to pay for games, faggot
It's the same shit that happens every console generation
>new console is announced
>(((journalists))) and other morons shill it as stronger than PC! cheaper than a PC of the same comparison!
>like clockwork they're usually a generation or two behind in tech and normalfags eat it up
At least they finally heard about the ssd being a thing shame they're stuck back at 30 fps again.
Is there some kind of rule that says PC parts based on console parts cant be made?
Why wouldnt any tech consoles have now not be on PC almost instantly?
I'd unironically love for all the consoletards that invaded the PC gaming scene over the last decade because they heard they could play console games with better graphics to fuck off back where they came from. Because being the master race has nothing to do with better graphics, or even frame rate. It's all about having more buttons.
was it Max who said this?
I run AC Odyssey at max with 100+ fps with a computer I got 3 years ago that cost 1000$.
I'm still trying to figure out how AMD magically managed to get a significant boost over their own top-end GPU for Microsoft
>2080 super
>thinks a console is on par with this
>nzxt h1
that case alone costs like $350
>It's all about having more buttons
And modding.
>i paid $1k just to play garbage asscreed b-but faster!
It's retarded marketing. Everyone with a brain knows these are not prototypes being put into consoles. Everything being put into these machines is at least a year old strictly because that's how long it takes to go from design to mass produced manufacturing. All the performance equivalent components in these consoles have already been released to consumers.
Judging on how games ran at the ps5 reveal. I don't think I'll have to worry about consoles being more powerful.