Why was everyone jerking themselves to this?

Why was everyone jerking themselves to this?

It's terrible.

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its good

Reminder that video games aren't art and can never be art.

It's not, it really is terrible. The whole mystery is a big fucking nothing that absolutely doesn't make any sense. The ending is downright terrible, there is no conclusion whatsoever.
All in all it was a waste of time.

I liked it because I always wanted to live in a natural reserve and do nothing all day.

Starts slow, gets pretty good in the middle and the build-up to the climax where it completely eats shit.

>i dont like the ending therefore its shit

You didn't get it. Try using your brain the next time.
The ending is the best videya has ever produced.

I expected a compelling murder/conspiracy mystery but it turned out to be a red herring for a shit twist.

It's not only the enfing: all the game its pandering to depressed middle age men having a woman as a improvised therapist. It's pretty generic and cringe, trying to be "sad" in the most blatant way possible. No replayability whatsoever.

There are better written walking Sim. This it's just bad.

yes, the start is interesting but the whole plot is so fucking boring and shitty and ending is absolute dogshit which overshadows any little enjoyment you had with this game.
It doesn't help that gameplay is walking from point A to point B.

were they? Seems like it came and went to little fanfare and less lasting impact.

It was complete shit. And such a waste.
It could've been great, because the premise is pretty cool and original.
But the way it was written, the poor and lack of real things to do (tasks, interaction), the shitty "mystery" and the worst ending I've ever seen in a video game.
Anyone that tried to defend that horrible ending has really 1) poor taste and 2) is an uneducated moron.

it's SJW target
better than most walking simulator at that particular year

I liked it. The twist was dissapointing initially but i appreciated how well it was able to bait me. I think about it a lot.
Wasnt worth the price i paid for it though.

The ending is just the ending, the game that happens before is shit as well and as shallow as it gets.
I did get the ending and I still think it's a terrible way to end a game. Now what?

>pandering >woman therapist >cringe >REPLAYABILITY
ratardds deserve lead

>Why was everyone jerking themselves to this?
Game journalists were jerking it off as the usual 'mature, artsy game'.

have you considered the possibility that this game wasnt made for you specifically and doesnt have to cater to your retarded tastes ?

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They should have gone the cryptid route. There's that point in the last third where it could have easily been some cool cryptid but it was a lame dad instead.

You're correct, that's all. Having the game be disappointing because "That's the point!" Doesnt stop it from being a boring disappointing mess.

If you have interest in walking sims through I suggest trying out what remains of Edith Finch.

I seem to recall enjoying it a lot, and then thinking the ending was poop. But I remember virtually nothing about the game, I haven't played it since around when it came out.

the Goatman horror ripoff of it was better imo.
I wish more gamems would explore this idea of

>you are a guide in a territory where wierd shit keeps happening and week after week you gotta survive and explore the strange occurances

Name of game?

It's comfy and the interactions are fun, but it builds up to a very flaccid ending.

>game starts off with a quick intro about how the protag couldn't defend his SO and gets the shit kicked out of him
>flees to the Forest Service to escape his miserable life and dementia-ridden wife
>becomes flirtatious with a chick who is later revealed to be involved in another relationship and ghosts him completely
>resolves to go back to his shitty life and his shitty, dementia-ridden wife
This game was written by a literal cuckold.

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Just as bad as that film the cube.
>You're trapped in a murderous series of cube rooms, some are trapped and will kill you
>Find the exit
>Oh that, why yes all you had to do was stay in the first room, we aren't barbarians tee hee.

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I don't even remember the ending. But I remember if you fuck around too much the helicopter will leave without you. That was neat and unexpected from this kind of "game".
But yeah, less watch, more fire

The same kind of people that praise the last jedi. The subverts your expectations style of writing. A need resource when you don't know how to make a good ending and you need to "shock" the audience.

Just play a good walking sim user, i recommend Oxenfree.

That's even worse.

This. Play Night in the Woods.

Them starting off in the exit cube wasn't meant to convey, "we aren't barbarians tee hee." Most likely it was a twist put in by the writers for the sake of demoralizing/stressing out the characters.
Or if you look to the prequel for some sort of explanation, the organization that put them in there are a bunch of sadistic bastards that did it for no good reason.

I liked it until the stupid supernatural ending

The issue I see is that the ending was natural, too natural. Fiction isn't reality and while it should try to imitate it because it's the best form of representation, it shouldn't try to BE reality, because more often than not reality is boring.
I don't think the game is bad or poorly written, but it indeed made me feel like it was a waste of time. The guy's development and depression felt a bit rushed and the "mistery" that ended up not being one well, leaves you at that: "Oh, so it was just that".

I think the ending could have been a lot better but it didn't ruin the game for me. Completely understand why someone would feel otherwise, though.

At least this game really had a mystery and different endings.

It was the dumbest "twist" there was.

Because it's actually a pretty good game people have criticized for all the wrong reasons and thought it was something that it never intended to be. I for one absolutely loved the shit out of the game and want to replay it soon.