Tfw can never finish a game no matter how many times I play it

>tfw can never finish a game no matter how many times I play it

I played through Deus Ex at least 15 times but I always stop at Area 51.
I played through Jagged Alliance 2 but I always stop at Drassen.
I played through Morrowind 10 times but I always stop once I finished every interesting side quest.

Anyone else know this feel?

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you wouldn't Zig Forums... right?

imagine the smell

yes, I've tried to finish nioh like 5 times but I can't, game feels like a slog

No I wouldn't shoot them.

Lyme Disease

>Anyone else know this feel?
No. Why do you hate progression, user?

At least the games keep making you come back until they bore you again.

Spotted the bong

Venison tastes delicous, unfortunately this is the worng type of deer.
Fortunately, these are very easy to control. if I lived in aussie I'd keep them in the garage and setup an eclosure ASAP. Is there a market for homestead deer milk?

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> that storytime from Zig Forums of some user living near the wild forest and catching once a deer into his rope trap and fucking her until she could not stand straight

…. small deer? our willies are small relative to our body size. it's also why fucking a horse is barely noticed by them. Do you have a screencap/copypasta story of that event?

"Wouldn't" what? Pass up an opportunity?

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> …. small deer?
Does are exceptionally small in comparison to human female. She probably felt as tight as a human teen

> Do you have a screencap/copypasta story of that event?
No but i wish I did

/k/ plz go

Know that I am a merciful man

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Deer ticks

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Are you germananon?

>Stop playing Deus Ex at Area 51
That's literally like an hour before the end of the game, wtf user.

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Based just like the Sun

Deer and Boars are braindead tier. I know a shepherd setting up electric fences, they're just nets with poles holding them up. he puts 6-10 kilovolt on them, it feels like getting kicked in the ass with an iron boot if you touch it briefly. Boars and Deer barge through, and sometimes he find dead ones as the heart later gives out. lmao man.

>wish you did
well, we are all on a watchlist anyway!
Do you think the doe sustained permanent damage or bled? In my country, Netherlands, you can capture wild non-threatened animals and keep them legally. Yes, you may stand between a mother duck and her ducklings and then scoop them up for your weird dug meat farm.

Fipronyl, widely available tickbuster. often used for dogs.

>Do you think the doe sustained permanent damage or bled?
Why would she? if anything she probably had the weird off-season mating orgasm in her life

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Pet and cuddle them as we all sleep comfortably on the same blanket to warm up each other in a cold breeze night?

I would, totally.

uhhhh, hot?

post more

Oh wow.
So op posts a cute picture and the only thing niggers see is sex...with an animal...


well I suppose these stories about chicken and small dog fuckers ripping the things apart gave me a Vietnam moment.

What's /an/ doing on Zig Forums

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Well in case with chickens it makes sense. I doubt you can rip (as in rip apart) a chicken with your dick, but damage internal organs lethally - sure.

Dogs only if they are very small

do you know what sound the deer makes? it's on par with the noise seal makes, meaning down syndrome. EURH! EUH! EEEUH!

i dunno but they are usually better than the usual flamewars and baiting on v

>Do you think the doe sustained permanent damage or bled?
No, I don't think the story actually happened.

Imagine scaring them by hitting the panic button on the keyfob, and watching them absolutely wreck your shit trying to get out.

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you seem lost

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IDK what's wrong with fucking horses, sure, it's gross. but ''gross'' is not an argument as ''gross'' on it's own is used to belittle faggots. (not the prideo nes, the normal ones) I mean, I doubt the mare even feels you. Deer literally fuck a few seconds and horses/sheep are one pump chumps. can the females evne orgasm?

Japanese summer and Nara.

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I don't know about small dogs. Dogs have pretty big dicks.