It is a pretty nice variation on the buttload of shooters & movie games of the previous 2 Generations, yeah. t.nintenfag
Luke Turner
I think they took the 'movie games' criticism a bit more seriously.
Samuel Lopez
A new Ratchet has me kinda sold. Also, I didn't give the first Horizon a fair chance, and that turned out to be pretty fun. It just needs more variety in everything.
Brody Robinson
i mean this is good, i hate the last of us and God of bore mud fights. just wish the games weren't so generic and bland. like horizon i'd rather just play BOTW. and ratchet hasn't been Good since early 2000s. also sackboy is just a straight up rip off of SMB3DW. also a remake of a ps3 game? seriously Sony has nothing for new actual games that aren't rehashes or copying other companies games.
>Spiderman >Horizon Movie games >Demons souls Inferior version of a PS3 game >Gran turismo >Ratchet and clank >Sackboy >Returnal Shovelware
Ethan Turner
Sony has always invested in a variety of game types.
Charles Sanders
FUN? Oh no no no, we can't have that.
Christian Hall
Jack Nelson
Is the new R&C a sequel to the reboot or the original series?
Kevin Johnson
>Spider-Man >Movie game Fucking retard.
Justin Nguyen
>and ratchet hasn't been Good since early 2000s. ratchet's always been good. >also sackboy is just a straight up rip off of SMB3DW. so? nintendo ripped off littlebigplanet first with mario maker. and SMB3DW was a great game, so there's nothing wrong with having more games like it. >also a remake of a ps3 game? didn't Zig Forums just get done soifacing over the remake of a wii game?
Jace Morales
Every game shown was just 'meh'. There was nothing shown that prompted even a little excitement. Overall, very poor.
>Horizon 2 >Sackboy >Ratchet And Clank >Demon's Souls
I counted at least 4 pretty good looking exclusives I'd want to play and only Horizon is arguably a cinematic game.
Landon Foster
Landon Hill
Oh duh yeah
Robert Davis
>Horizon >cinematic game Are people actually this retarded?
Benjamin Bailey
Asher Gray
>>Spider-Man: Miles Morales Remaster with DLC >>Gran Turismo 7 recycled assets from Sports, almost a remaster with DLC >>Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart Furry trash >>Returnal who >>Sackboy: A Big Adventure shovelware >>Demon's Souls remaster >>Horizon 2 Forbidden West also on PC
Eli Rodriguez
Jaxson Allen
>no knack 3 wtf sony
Anthony Wood
Why bother?
You're trying to convince PC-cucks, a platform with no exclusives, that Sony's will be (as they continue to be) great.
I get you're probably trying to bait, but what a waste of your time.
Lincoln Sullivan
Horizon has more gameplay than 90% of games and this is a great lineup.
Dominic Garcia
Ratchet is soul incarnate. Even the bad games are fun. There's just something magical about the silly writing and over the top action. Also, this newest one is totally Samurai Jack.
Aaron Hill
Spiderman is standalone game retard.
Henry Flores
>like horizon i'd rather just play BOTW. Stop pretending that just because they're both open world games and they released around the same time that they're comparable.
Cameron White
I was being generous to him. And I played a bit of the first one. You can wonder off and fight robots anytime you want but the main story did have a lot of parts where you were just scanning shit and listening to unskippable exposition.
Caleb Miller
They don't believe a non-cinematic game could look that good.
Austin Adams
You almost seemed reasonable up untill you used a lame buzzword to describe the userbase of the ((incorrect)) platform. What a shame.
Camden Miller
>a platform with no exclusives Why is this always a console-pleb fallback retort? There's plenty of games on PC that will never come to console. One is World of Warcraft which is shit now, but still. Another is Escape from Tarkov which is hot atm.
Anthony Martin