How do we fix Final Fantasy XIV?
more lalas
Shut down servers make new game again.
Remake FF11
Remove brown characters.
More Minfillia’s feet.
Nomura character redesign
Don't gate the game behind thousands of hours of mandatory cringe visual novel.
FfXIV will "end" with another calamity event that'll shut the servers down with an ending cinematic like 1.0 l, having your character teleported away through time with the help of the Twelve. After 3 years of development XIV will be relaunched with new lore, similar but different races, and a chance to remake/rename your character. I work at square enix and I am actually playing the pre pre alpha right now.
make us romance npcs
Not until the game's literally ending
Make Ryne Blonde Again
Ban modders and parsers.
Where's the fucking liveletter? WHERE'S THE FUCKING TRAILER?
let run things with npc's. effectively make it a single player game unless you want to deal with the playerbase. just keep savage and current extremes for the gatekeep autists
This nigga is just Zenos before there was Zenos.
any lala players?
c'mere i got a surprise for you
What did modders ever do to you?
avoid adding less content than every previous patch
>sorry no potd/diadem this expac please unsubscribe
Oh what is it? I wanna see!
I'd kinda like more classic FF elements back. More item use, status effects having a greater impact on battle, buffs and debuffs doing more than just +stat, same for materia, more unique gear, maybe even elemental resist and vulnerability, though BLM in particular would need an overhaul to accommodate this.
Elemental resists do not work in a game where the player cannot change elements. It has to be like Eureka with the Magia board otherwise it's a shitfest.
add gameplay content instead of rp garbage. Fix the boring pacing of the gameplay
Lyse Love!
tfw no slut Ryne gf
>It has to be like Eureka with the Magia board
Also allow certain jobs to en-spell their party members and imperil enemies. Maybe have weapons with elemental damage or materia to infuse them with elemental damage.
>Maybe have weapons with elemental damage or materia to infuse them with elemental damage.
This sounds like a great way to have people bring fire weapons against Ifrit because they think they are the funniest motherfuckers on the planet.
>Originally slated for a June 16 release, patch 5.3 will be delayed by more than a month at the very least, but we are pushing to keep that delay as short as possible. We will announce a new release date in the near future, so please stay tuned!
>patch 5.3 will be delayed by more than a month at the very least
>more than a month at the very least
Remove surnames.
It'd actually be kinda nice starting out, you could just do your own run where you're allowed to be new
Make overworld content more like eureka with elemental variables and weather/time based spawns. Let people get tomestones solo with hunting marks
Add more of those traveling FATEs and stuff like Praetorium's magitek run/steps of faith 1
Implement gemstones for old areas
Make content that discourages flying through zones, ie caravan level gathering that'll require
Make side dungeons more like deep dungeons, or at least have advanced exploration (ie like a single 10 floor tier) that you can do for gear drops or mats
Thank human malware for it. This time it is out of their hands.
>never get to fucking fight him
Done all job quests besides PLD, but jesus fuck why is AST's the most boring one? At least WAR's quests were laughably bad, but AST's is just mediocre at best. The lvl 70 quest didn't even have a good satisfying ending which pissed me off.
Really, what was the fucking deal with WAR and MNK quests? Who fucking thought that was acceptable?