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Kommunisten.. HINTER DEN KISTEN!!
The Soviets were the good guys
There are no good guys. There is no right side of History. Just History.
I really hope we'll se RO3 some day
Why is Rising Storm 2 just not as fun, bros?
>RO2 is dead
>only alternative is hyper-autistic post-scrotum where you spend 90% of your time running in empty fields
>stuck waiting for RO3
The Winter War mod is good
It's pretty fun as the Japs, playing as Americans in WW2 games is pretty stale.
>feel good about shooting the fascist invader
>"mutter... mutter hilf mir bitte..."
hell let loose is better than post scriptum at least
For me, it was giving everyone semi-autos. It stripped away the feeling of being a grunt in a ptsd simulator that having nothing but a bolt action rifle gave you in RO2.
>feel good about shooting bolshevik scum
>"mama ahhhhhhhh, bolno kak"
He's talking about the Vietnam game. I played quite a bit of Japs vs. Americans Rising Storm but it never matched the brutality that was your average RO2 game.
>Be machinegunner
>Ivans pushing point through smokes
RO2 is the only multiplayer game that somehow still manages to be pure kino.
>mutter... bitte hilf mir
where my Bloodbath server boys at? I know you're in here
I like rising storm 2 more
Partially cause you can go on sub 100 ping server there
The voice acting did all the heavy lifting in this game, easily the most memorable part of it. RS2's mediocre VAs are why people don't enjoy it as much, and the non existent voices in games like piss scrotum are what make those games boring
I fucking hate that server cause of faggot ass WhiskeyJack. Why the fuck is some cuck Brit a Admin for a NA server. He's so fucking pretentious.
But there's some good lads on there except for the ones that constantly suck up to admins
Reminder that most of history is actually fiction
kek, is that faggot still playing? I haven't touched RO2 in 2 or 3 years and I still remember that twat.
hey I don't mind Whiskey, I don't like that hick who plays SL though. not sure if he still plays it's been a few months
>the guy who farmed hundreds of kills with an MG42 sitting in an obscure corner of the map.
I'd know him, he's me.
personally I always thought that one of the best parts of Rising Storm 2 was the sub-par voice acting, especially the "yuuh" noise the VC announcer makes
hick sometimes played TL as well
still play rs2 every day
some of the most kino battles I've had were on that server. Bridges of Druzhina, we knew Ivan was demolishing us with impunity. Tickets were 2 or 3 times in their favour. TL ordered us to abandon the river line and run the gauntlet all the way from the river to the very last point. Ivan takes at least 5 minutes to cap all the previous points to get to us, the men are getting ready to rock hearing him inch closer and closer to us. We duke it out for 15 minutes and completely erase their tickets and win the match. Their T-34s be fucking damned.
I even think it was WhiskeyJack who led us to victory.
>feel even better
Might be a long wait. Antimatter, the team that made Rising Storm series have moved publishers and are working on '83, which should be pretty decent.
>Anything other than an amateurish early access shitheap
Red Orchestra 2 fucking sucked and is a bug-riden disaster. Stop larping you dipshits. Fuck Tripwire.
wrong bucko
Is there a ww2 game with a campaign as good as call of duty 2? I find cod2 to be infinitely replayable. The level design, objectives, and sounds are all fucking great. Xbox/PC is fine