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I thought Lamar was gonna pull a Ryder and I'm really glad he didn't

>western humour

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>reddit makes a post


Was looking for this

Yee Yee ass btfo

based erikaposter

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RACIST...oh, wait. not racism. he is nig. sorry.

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Nigga were do you think we are?

i swear scenes like this are written by white guys who get a little kick out of being able to write the N word and have it come out of a black person's mouth

this is probably the most accurate black to black conversation i've ever seen in a video game ever. what the fuck are you talking about dumb fuck. maybe if you got rid of these yee yee ass posts on Zig Forums you'd get some (You's) on ya dick. Faggooooooot~

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I like this scene

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Why the fuck is Zig Forums out of all places complaining about the n-word

Have you never talked to a black person before?

Lmao based

>eastern humor
>probably is a burger himself
peak cringe


Do not use Erika for your shitposting.

it's NNNNNNNIggaa
not that you fuckin prick


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Based Mikoposter

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"Haha I love anime so I should have been born in japan! Haha in Japan I would actually have a girlfriend and not be a fat virgin loser! haha i love anime haha i am so japanese look at how much i love noodles! hahaha."

Die. Weeabo. Scum.


fucking BASED

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Lamar was the basedest character in that whole game


unironically fucking based

Fucking this. Weebs are so fucking annoying

Hey man I love gta and eastern culture

That's uncanny. I don't like it.

>vines watching r*dditors getting assblasted by getting told

you are based


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How do you think abolishing police will affect video games? Especially games like GTA where the police are such a core element?

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if you don't like anime and japan then you don't belong here

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You made this thread an hour ago.

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>Muh if you don't suck Jap cock your from Reddit

Why is this thread made every day?

Change nothing, enjoy even bigger sales just because you can kill cops

all vidya will be free

If you like anime and Japan why don't you go to Zig Forums

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I like anime/manga but I hate you weeb faggots