>this game is literally forgotten
what went so wrong?
>this game is literally forgotten
what went so wrong?
for a dmc fan it's the perfect video game. i've got nothing to complain about. what do you want to discuss
dmc fans are the definition of a loud minority
A game that actually feels enjoyable playing and not just something you have to "get through". When's the next one coming out?
If you wanted a DMC thread, you only had to ask.
We better be getting DMC5SE March next year or a DMC6 announcement.
Wasn't DMC5, instead was DmC2 with an faggot.
Devil May Cry games are cancer, that's it
>perfect video game
you can only talk about combat for so long since everything else is puke, especially that """"story"""
the game made money and people enjoyed it. now most of them are busy making mad combos instead of talking about how good it is.
It was great. A lot of people enjoyed it and are still enjoying it. Some people prefer DMC3 or 4. Next.
>for a dmc fan it's the perfect video game. i've got nothing to complain about. what do you want to discuss
what the fuck literally word for word what I was going to say when I saw this in the catalog.
>Mediocre missions
>3 characters, 1 of them shit and 1 of them being exactly the same with some added gimmicks
>Combat is worse
>Shitty style
I don't get why so many people loved this game. Bosses are forgettable, scenarios are dull and repetitive, story is bad and feels forced, V is the cringiest character ever, soundtrack is boring and game lenght is R3make tier. I must admit that gameplay and comboing is pretty great, but that's about it.
How was Ninja Theory 100% correct?
>I must admit that gameplay and comboing is pretty great, but that's about it.
so the only thing that matters, gotcha.
sequel when?
Remember when people said this was a better action game than Sekiro?
i do because it was true.
It's the least replayable dmc game.
Yet Sekiro won GOTY and DMCV was completely forgotten.
I said great, not "brilliant enough to overshadow the trainwreck that is literally every other aspect of the game"
Also, gameplay is good only 2/3 of the game cause V feels clunky as shit.
I think I'm on the final mission, brehs. I thought I would put this game down after 20 min but it's actually kino. The levels are varied and interesting and it has just the right amount of campiness. The story is total shit but it doesn't matter at all.Going to play 3 and 5 when I'm finished.
5 is my fav in the series but play 4 before you do, it makes the payoffs in 5 all the sweeter.
It’s an action game with a pure focus on gameplay, but the gameplay consists of you styling on enemies that just stand there letting you combo them. It isn’t engaging at all and I really don’t know what people see in it.
>Going to play 3 and 5 when I'm finished.
Damn that will suck
Literally going downhill in quality.
KYS, or the government will do it for you when you're herded into fema camps.
>Zig Forums talks about DMCV for AN ENTIRE YEAR
>still talk about it in 2020
>suddenly, in quarantine people focus on other games and Zig Forums stops talking about this game for a while
This is modern Zig Forums.
>No one can even remember it's supposed to be DMC5
Completely forgettable.
I like 3 and 4 more than 5 and I don't really know why. Might literally just be because no turbo mode
You know how everything between M12 and M19 in DMC3 is "that one part that keeps you from replaying this game more often"? In DMC5 the entire game is that.