

Attached: hitman.jpg (485x403, 27.64K)

>14 MB/s

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How do people not have decadent excess of storage space in the modern age?

I just deleted over 50gb from my recycle bin yesterday on a whim.

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>disk space available 80.58 GB
You need several dozen TB to play modern games which is another reason I don't bother.

because you also own the dlc, which makes the game huge

>because you own the full game instead of a few portions of the game
oh ok

i just forget how much more space i need because of the dlc, man

>He still uses recycle bin

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HITMAN2 is 90GB alone, since you´re with HITMAN you´re getting all the shit from the first game on top of that with the latest QoL improvements and shit.
But I feel ya OP, have a 1tb harddrive which is all the time 90-95% full.

Yeah the game is fuckhuge

>shit internet
>16 hours for an 80 GB game

If thats an ssd you really should delete some stuff.
They dont perform as well when near full.

the estimation doesn't use your download speed
it literally just estimates the download time at a random speed

What do you use instead? Straight up delete everything with no do-overs?

>storage space status: assassinated
>dl speed status: D O A
ya'll got hitman'd, working as intended

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No? It always uses my shitty 2-3MB download for estimates.

with Hitman, you want to have a max of 2 maps at a time. it's the ideal way to play, especially if you are new.
try to get a mastery of each map. it'll force you to replay, which is the whole point of Hitman. when you've had you fill, uninstall and move onto another 2 maps.

I think it suck anyway

lmao why the fuck is this dog shit game almost 150gb? That's the size of my DCS folder for christ's sake.

You can uninstall maps you don't want to play to save up some space

it never uses my download speed and always estimates and a much slower speed than what I actually have

because it's 2 games worth of content, plus DLCs for each.

it's silly to have, what, 16 maps when the whole point of Hitman is to replay levels.

indeed why would you play hitman

>installing in the program files folder in 2020

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shift+delete is the only way to go. If you're hitting delete on it then you don't want it back.

This. I have no regrets

who cares as long as it's the SSD

47 you target is op's tiny disk drive. you will be tasked with obtaining 150 gigabytes of kino and smothering the op's disk drive to death with it. i shall leave you to prepare.

>have RDR2, CoD:W and MHW: iceborne installed
>these 3 games take 400gb of space on my 500 gb ssd

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IB is like 40gb at best, what the fuck are you on about

You cant play Iceborne without the basegame

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it has a hd texture pack also

>GTAV, Nier Automata, Tekken 7 and Witcher filling up the first 2 SSD drives
>Spyro and Crash Bandicoot add another 70GB to mechanical drive
>all I play these days is DOAXVV while getting drunk

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i didnt bother with the hd texture pack mines only like 40 gb for mhw iceborne that came with my gpu

That you can uninstall

can anyone tell me what ''allocating disk space'' really does and why the fuck it takes as much time as downloading a game?

GTAV occupies like 130 GB for me because of the way the mods work