Whats the best gaming chair?
Whats the best gaming chair?
William Wilson
Asher Phillips
Aeron. Gaymershit is gay
Carter Gonzalez
you can even adjust the height
Carson Nelson
I used to own an aeron, switched it to the steelcase gesture, much more comfy
but yeah, non gamer shit is best
Joshua Russell
Whatever you do, don't use a wooden chair. I had one of those that was from the early 1900s that I used to sit in and play videogames for like a decade straight. Now I'm in my early 30s and I have the spine of an 80 year old.
Charles Adams
I have an Ikea Markus because I like highbacks.
What other good, non-gamer highbacks are there?
Landon Price
A Herman Miller.
Benjamin Johnson
definitely not one of these cheap racecar seat abortions
Xavier Gutierrez
I'm thinking of buying one, are they really worth their price?
Eli Ward
Secret Lab