Sony busting out their big sack. Will it be better than Mario 3D World and Odyssey combined?
Sony busting out their big sack. Will it be better than Mario 3D World and Odyssey combined?
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Well 2D Sackboy wasn't better than Mario, so I doubt 3D Sackboy will be much better.
Unironically more excited for this game than any of the other PS5 exclusives. Ratchet and clank is a close second but the newer ones weren't that special.
probably. you see mario all the time. but sackboy makes a come back so that's automatically extra points
No, it will be forgotten in less than a week after release
>no create mode
it'll be trash
>Entire appeal of Little Big Planet is the creativity of so many clashing aesthetics and create mode
>Make generic platformer
Dreams seems more like a sequel to the series, at least in spirit.
It looked like it had the same issue LBP had.
It's too slow
it looks better than nintendo's other shit "arts&crafts" games like yoshi's crafted world or origami king, but then again thats a pitifully low bar
hahahaha are you fucking serious? that can't be legit
surely sony execs aren't that fucking stupid right, oh who am I kidding we're all fucked
Looks like a wanna be Mario game that just won’t capture the same fun and charm Mario has. It’ll be forgotten 2 weeks after launch and no one will ever talk about it again.
You have to be retarded to think there wont be a create mode.
you didn't like Spider-Man? the new character is known for being able to fire electricity and turn invisible, could be cool af! (considering the original on PS4 was great)
They would've highlighted it in the trailer
Odds are this is just to keep Sackboy relevant long enough for the next LittleBigPlanet to come out since 3 was clearly rushed
>not made by media molecule
keep it
A boy adventure
It looks like shit. Everything after LBP1 has been missing the handcrafted look of the original, but this is the most soulless attempt so far.
It won't even be better than the game it is copying, and 3D Mario is the worst Mario.
looks like Mario 3d world but less fun
even the "butt sliding down a slope" animation looks exactly the same
LBP2 was the best one
Glad someone else is as excited for this as I am, I genuinely felt so happy when they revealed it. LBP is a game I used to play with my younger brothers and the idea of a brand new one on the ps5 makes me more likely to buy it than almost anything else.
Mm could've hired LBP's best online creators instead of Sumo, such wasted potential.
Will it have create mode? If not, it's dead on arrival.
They couldn't get 2D right how could they get 3D right?
>When you want littlebigplanet on your console but adding a level editor requires more dev time&money and moderation.
Why would they call it anything other than LittleBigPlanet if there were? Is Sackboy: A Big Adventure really a better name for a fully 3D LittleBigPlanet game?
Did you even watch the gameplay, it's fucking skylanders minus the toys, I had hope for lbp4 but sumo killed the series
its not even an lbp, it just a random game with sacboy
it should have been a vr only sequel to astro bot adventure but with lbp characters instead of the robots
i will go farther and say it wont even have STICKERS