I have never played a game in the Danganronpa series before.
What am I in for?
a book
you read it you dont play it
you're in for some anime nonsense, user
Ayo my nigga what's good? You gonna come up in the hood and not holla at a nigga? What's hapnin, hamee? We been missing you at the cookouts, man
I read books on my free time anyway. Is the writing good?
How anime is it?
Ah I see you tryna ignore me and pretend I'm not here because you one a them light skin niggas who think they white.
You read books IN your free time. Not ON it.
Clearly, you should be reading more, you illiterate faggot
Good games with awful endings.
>Is the writing good?
Absolutely not. Despite being a visual novel, it has worse writing than the average game from a genre that's not typically story driven.
>making a thread about a game that is 200% story
>How anime is it?
completely retarded story with convoluted plot twists, colorful characters and overly edgy imagery, the trials are really fun though if you are into mistery solving, a bit too much handholding though
Why are you black?
>Is the writing good?
>How anime is it?
i beat all 3 games due to the sheer amount of camp in it
There's definitely gameplay in there numbnut
Waifus and tragedy. That's literally it's only selling point. If you want a good story with excellent puzzles play 999 and VLR, then pretend like ZTD doesn't exist. Plus the series is a commitment at this point, there's 4 different games and two animes, complete with more projects on the horizon due to the 10th anniversary for better or worse.
broe....we shoudl stopp thinkening about race...and thenk about the inside....
spoilers if you stay in this thread
Just leave before you get spoiled
My brother. I haven't played Danganronpa but have fun
The writing is about as good as SAO’s.
Why did you even open this?
yeah spoiler don't watch the anime, it's fucking garbage
It was a spelling error. I don't bother to spell-check when posting on Zig Forums.
I never read a mystery story before so I don't know what to expect.
Oh well, I spent twenty dollars on it.
stop telling people to not watch the anime. Let him decide for himself if it's good or not. You don't randomly tell people to skip games if they want to play a narrative-based series, it doesn't make sense.
for real leave the thread before you know every little detail, the writing and story are bad but fun, treat it as a waifu sim and a silly romp and you'll be happy.
If you're in to convoluted murders and investigations into how they pulled them off then the Danganronpa games are good fun. If you need a good story, a decent story, characters that are written well, and any sort of cohesion to the plot then you won't have a good time.
literally who cares about danganronpa narrative, it is already bad with the hope despair drivel nonsense, the anime only makes it worse, the headcannon of every single user that was discussing danganronpa before the anime is much better than the garbage they pulled out
Why hello nigger hahahaha
>why would you suggest someone going into the series to partake in the series instead of skip it?
>You get to see Makoto Naegi naked in the anime
>you never seen any of the girls naked
A good game, first chapter is actually super atmospheric and the rest is still a good time.
if you like it, the other games (except Ultra Despair Girls) have a similar setup, but different overall feel to them, same gameplay though. Minigames across all games fucking suck.
Enjoy OP, leave before you get spoiled.
>killer killer
>this manga is connected to DR3
Fuck Kodaka for that cock tease and that shitty manga that added nothing to the story.
Thanks for the chart, user. I'll ditch the thread after this reply.