P4G thread. Get comfy.
Who have you had to bench so far, user? Are you staying leveled up and making some good Personas?
Persona 4 Golden
Other urls found in this thread:
>leveling up
>grinding in a fucking Persona game
no, I don't waste my time.
Any vitabros enjoying all the comfy P4G threads again? The PC+Vita makes for a better synergy than PS4+Vita.
You can just switch to more EXP in the difficulty menu and save yourself hours of needless grind. Although it has a side effect of giving you too much EXP, you might become overleveled just from running the dungeon once.
Leveling up doesn't imply grinding. If you fight everything in your way then you'll never be underleveled.
Game will not get a discount this upcoming steam summer sale, right?
Doubt it, devs usually don't do it because it pisses people off, unless the game is a complete flop and it wouldn't matter either way.
Yeah I'm calling bullshit.
It's true user!
user it JUST came out and it's $20 on top of that. do you really thinkg they would discount it? Especially because of how successful its been already?
>yfw the madlads at Atlus drop a 25% discount
Wait I get to cuck Yosuke in a threesome with Chie? Fuck yeah.
I can't believe Chie is a lesbian
The midnight channel knows.
Just never saw a reason to use anyone but Yosuke Chie and Yukiko
Have you ever dated an autistic girl, Zig Forums?
>Picking up girls in Okina
>Boss music plays when the fat chick appears
This game is legitimately hilarious
She's a massive sperg
If i remember correctly by the end of the game the fat chick gets super thin and fit. Either that or i'm thinking of the anime.
Thoughts on Yukiko-senpai?
Elizabeth was really a better written "fish out of water" character.
>having fun playing this game
>feeling positive about my life and that maybe I could self-improve as well the way the protag does
>remember I'm 33 and it's fucking over
>feel like killing myself
thanks atlus
Worst girl out of a game where all your female party members are great.
You bros ARE responding to every SOS you see, right...?
Post Nanako
Persona 4 is unironically Troy Baker's greatest performance.
Yes. It's clearly people just trying to farm SP anyway.
just rescued kanji from his gay panic shadow, haven't had to grind yet but I bet some optional boss will kick my ass
I gave up. I rarely get help and it's always just one response when I get into a battle.
>Date of Birth: October 4th, 2004
Will she be in the next persona?
Yeah, post your message.
Yosuke's scream was legit haunting
>tfw haven't gotten a message from anyone that isn't just a stock "you can do it" thing
I tried, all I saw was my reflection in the screen, forever alone
There's no point in spoiling the killer or the true nature of who's behind the fog, because the biggest spoiler was clearly Naoto's fat tits.
Is there a reason to keep the protag's default persona? I did when I played Golden and the og PS2 version but I genuinely don't remember why. It's been 7 years since I last played
I'm glad PCfags have their heads on straight.
No. If you really want a strong Izanagi you can fuse one later and Golden has skill cards to minmax it. plus there's the two other versions later, but I haven't played Golden enough to get Magatsu.
Nah fuse it ASAP once it has some decent moves to transfer
It's really odd, Maybe people don't care much for it.
No, use it for fusions as early as possible to not get your persona stock cluttered.
This guy gets it.
Also, check this 3
first time playing and I already turned it into a jack frost, just keep zio for awhile as no one else seems to have it yet