*fucks your shit up*
*fucks your shit up*
Other urls found in this thread:
Why was Ulysses so in love with the Divide when these things were living underneath it?
Was Ulysses bluffing when he said that they are digging tunnels to fuck up the whole Mojave and spread out through the West?
least intimidating enemy in the game
*blocks your path*
These fucks are pretty annoying to deal with, until you use literally any mid-late weapon against them, then they immediately become jokes.
>these things fuck up deathclaws
i find this hard to believe
No, Avocado is in love with the idea of nothing allowed to get better in the setting, it's become too progressed.
Was it autism?
No, it was misunderstood genius.
Tunnelers tear Deathclaws into pieces, but how will they deal with cazadors?
>Oh shit we're settling the Wasteland to fast and it's becoming too civilized
>Just create a reset button should we ever need it
Lazy writing at it's finest
>Courier is the reason Ulysses is mad and literally doesn't remember it
>Ulysses is the reason you had to go through the 3 DLCs (he told Elijah about the casino, he trained the White Legs to fight efficiently and he broke the Think Tank out of their thought loop) and is completely unaware he's forced as much shit on you as you have on him
Was it kino?
Yes. Lifetime duels like this happen once in a millennia.
It was a very spino kills t rex moment for me when I found out about that
>spino kills t rex
i will never accept this
Ulysses is the reason the game happened, he was the one who told Caesar about Hoover Dam and NCR's occupation
Man, to see the conversations that spawned this
>You mean my companion got cut?! Fuck you! He's responsible for EVERYTHING
>Chris you can't
>No! It's my character and I'll make it canon if I want! My OC is the MOST IMPORTANT MAN and he's going to have all 10 SPECIAL too and he'll blow up the world!
Cazadores also swarm, their poison sting is their main weapon, and they're basically the same size as Tunnelers anyway
>Tunnelers tear Deathclaws into pieces, but how will they deal with cazadors?
It would lay a single egg in the tunneler's comatose body and the cazador larvae would eat the tunneler alive from the inside out.
Nature be scary
Cazadores are nest builders
*nails it back into its burrow*
Anthony House may have been a fucking basketcase, but he sure knew how to make a mean gun.
Tarantula Hawks lay their eggs inside their prey
Cazadores don't
What game is this from?
Mass Effect 2
Fallout 3.5
Don't remember it from either of those games.
>not abalone
It's a Tunneler from the Lonesome Road DLC of New Vegas. Spring out of the ground, rove in packs, kinda bothersome to deal with, easily blinded.
>no one questioned why a nailgun needed to resemble a modified 9mm SMG
>or why it needed to fire so many nails so quickly
God those things were worse than divideclaws
Higher difficulties they hit like trucks, can teleport and poison you
*backpedals away from you*
terrifying, truly
>backs into a wall
these guys were a huge pain, fighting them with a melee character was cancer