New girl confirmed playable and an alt dimension female lombax. Will she have her own set of weapons and gadgets and her own Clank equivalent, too?
Ratchet and Clank Thread
This all sounds very nice, looking forward to play, but my question is when? I'm afraid it will be 2022.
i just want a ratchet game that doesnt suck. hopefully being free from the movie tie in restraints they can pull it off
in b4 the tranny shit
Not gonna play it because it is going to be sjw and feminist stuff where Ratchet is turned into a weak idiot who is worse then her in every way to push the "strong wyman" meme
they did the same thing with Peter.
She's trans(dimensional)
Isn't the new character just going to be Ratchet but as a girl? I mean literally female Ratchet from this other dimension
in the alternate dimension Lombax boys dont have tails
I’m unironically looking forward to this game, PS5 doomsayers can get fucked.
GT7 and DeS are also must haves for me.
>see trailer for new ratchet and clank game
>become curious about the series and watch a playthrough of the first game on youtube for a little bit
>decide it looks fun and i want to try playing it for myself
>hear about the reboot and how they completely butchered ratchet's character and how it has none of the charm and soul the original games had
Should I still play them, even if I'm just going to experience the pain of there never being a good Ratchet game ever again?
Reboot is its own thing entirely, new game is following old continuity.
Yes, the remake isn’t even that bad, if anything start with that and then play the others
The 4 PS2 games are a lot of fun and are definitely worth it.
PS3 trilogy is fun but lacks some of the edge and charm that the PS2 games had
There is no PS4 game.
Haven't played the PSP games
it doesnt look female
is there a video clip?
please don't trash us again jannies
redpile me on this slut
Fucking YouTube
so she's not trans? thank god
Shortstack engineer girl with a robotic arm for super fast precision handjobs
Speaking from future's story the reboot is harmless. But if you cared about the individual stories of the original trilogy it's just a big fat shart on the continuity as it retcons much of them to cram ratchet's developments over those 3 into the one and also makes Nefarious a archenemy from the start.
The reboot is really not that bad and is its own thing anyway. It's not so much a remake as a movie adaptation instead. It even has literal movie cutscenes scattered about and several portions of gameplay are lifted directly from the movie. Yes, it changes Ratchet's character to be insultingly clean and yes, it makes Drek completely pointless in favor of Nefarious which are both really awful choices. But the gameplay is just as fun as it was in every other game and includes all the great additions Into the Nexus brought into the mix, the exploration is fun, the planets look great, it has a fantastic Insomniac Museum (I'll still argue SM and maybe ACiT I think it was had better ones), and it's still fun.
It sure as hell is a lot better than A4O, FFA, SAC, and SM so I can't understand everyone decrying it as some Lunar: Dragon Song or Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier situation.
>There is no PS4 game
Should I play the collection on Vita, or did they fuck up the ports?
How is the ps2 emulation for them these days? I remember trying it out some years ago but it was rather unplayable.
gib link falam
Some audio glitches and 30fps
Playable I guess
sounds hot but i prefere to cuddle my furry girls
I actually really enjoyed the Reimagining and I say that as a long time fan. It brought me back into the series.
what's new about GT7 besides old GT4 menu