Does food make vidya better?

Has any food or beverage ever improved your experience when playing a video game?

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I enjoyed playing WoW at the Legion launch while drinking some mead and eating a dried fruit/nut mix. Was very comfy.

weed+food+games are the holy trinity combo

How fat do you have to be to ask this question?

Honestly I don't like eating while playing anything.
Usually I just find something to watch while I eat then go back to whatever I was playing when I was done.

I used to be a big stoner but that shit just makes me so anxious and paranoid now. If I'm baked the only thing I can fully enjoy is listening to music

>drinking some mead
How is it, user? I'm not really into alcoholic beverages but I really like Radler from time to time.

The great debate

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7x7 from steaknshake is good for Bethesda games

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Tendies/nugs > wings

Sort of. A playthrough of Yakuza inspired me to try making one of the dishes myself, tonkatsu ramen. I had fun doing it.

Depends on where you live, I guess.
what am I looking at here?
that's pretty disgusting, user

Alcohol always.


good food makes everything better

Well, yes, having a nice cup of tea while playing makes everything better.

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>t. Costanza

How doable is Japanese cuisine for the average person?
Do you have to spend a lot of money on exotic ingredients or are the recipes fairly vanilla?

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I had a Gmod LAN party with my uni friends around 5-6 years ago and some fatass bought what I thought was around a thousand chicken nuggets from McDonald’s which ended up being the best for our retarded party. And there was little grease after too.

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I used to play Twilight Princess while eating whole bags of mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

I don't really see the appeal of tea.
My dad drinks lots of it but I think it's mostly just a habit for him, since he doesn't like coffee.
>implying Costanza was ever wrong

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Why? You have a myriad of choices when it comes to beverages and yet you choose alcohol.
Not really. It depends on the activity that you are partaking in.

Ramen broth is an art itself and takes a long time to make. That’s probably your only hurdle since you can put whatever the fuck you want in it. The meat of the Tonkontsu Ramen (pictured in your post) is slow braised pork belly so you might actually have some trouble with that. But again you can pretty much throw whatever you want in it though the results will vary.

I still don't get it.

Very sweet. Like a sickly sweet. You definitely should have something to eat while drinking it.

>>implying Costanza was ever wrong
Well there was the time he thought food would enhance sex

Some people find the earthy flavor soothing and it's often a nostalgia thing.

I'm a 4 guy, only lardasses eat the cartilage and all.

>weed+food+games are the holy trinity combo
How much do you weigh?

you can be underweight and still enjoy food. it's called having high metabolism. sorry u were cursed with 3rd world genes

Booze is good food

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Coffee especially if you're playing a comfy game

>3rd world genes
Not the guy you're dissing, but obesity is generally a first-world problem.

being half-right doesn't make him wrong
sounds like a difficult ordeal for some meat, noodles and vegetables
I just wanna make some new food ffs
Fair point, user.

you got that backwards, cause all the first world nations are the ones with obesity epidemics.

Redpill me on pure Coffee.
I never understood its appeal. Sure, it's great for when you need some caffeine but there are plenty of better-tasting energy drinks.
Coffee+Milk+sugar is GOD-tier, though

No, I don't eat while playing, the thought of any grease touching my stuff panics me, I wash my hands every time I'm gonna play something, I wash them again if I'm gonna change discs/cartridges, I've never once touched any of my vidya with dirty hands.

You didn't answer the question.

white meat > dark meat

The flat has much more meat and less fat.

Eating the drumette over the flat is like eating a drumsticks when you have breast right there.

>what am I looking at here?

The two parts of wings you get when you order them, I always ask for all flats, they're meatier.

flats have more tender meat, its easy to overcook wings

I wouldn't know since I don't remember the last time I ordered wings.

I weigh about 120lb whatever that is in 3rd world shit-gene metrics. I eat whatever I want


Post some good-looking food, please

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if games are half as good as sex and eating is half as good as sex, if you eat while you play you are experiencing sex?

Japanese food is about as simple as it gets.