You can build a gaming desktop for around $1000 but I want to go all out so I spent around $2000
You can build a gaming desktop for around $1000 but I want to go all out so I spent around $2000
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What a fucking retard
Is this the guy who used long screws and almost fucked up his cooling?
I'm gonna say it Zig Forums!!!
>make shitty video with retarded "instructions"
>put urban ape in it so every criticism can be deflected with "you're just raciss"
200 iq move
I always thought this was ben shaprio in blackface. With the way he talks I couldn't unsee it once I made that connection
user, after buying a Intel Core i5-10600K, Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080ti an 8k monitor, the fanciest DDR4 RAM available, a gaming motherboard, and cooling system, you already spent far more than $2000.
It is indeed
are you building a 1% pc, though?
reminder he's getting paid for this shit
>Little brother built a PC with around $700 he saved up over the years
>Put the power module in the wrong way and bought one without circuit breakers so it completely fried the motherboard and possibly everything else
he should just stick to console
If I can't buy everything at once what order should I buy PC parts? I already own a PC but it's a prebuilt.
I don't think it really matters, but you have to know what CPU you're getting so you can match the socket for your motherboard. Also, don't skimp on PSU and get some bare minimum shit because you have to keep in mind PSU slowly loses power output over the years.
That's when you claim the parts arrived damaged and get replacements. Most companies won't call you out for breaking it yourself
I was going to wait to see what the Ryzen 3000 was going to be like, but I heard that they won't come out now until next year.
PSU I was going to go for Seasonic, but I wasn't sure if I wanted Gold or Titanium and 650w or 750w since you need a high watt for overclocking even though I've never done it before.
Keep crying, poorfag.
You mean the voltage switch?
How is he holding up anyway? Is it still a 'he'?
I really want to go overkill for nextgen
3080, dual M.2 raid 0, 12 core CPU with tuned memory, and 64gb of it
Something like that.
for gaming a 700-800 dollar pc will play literraly any game at max settings for the next 5 years.
anything above 1k is if you want to do shit like photo and video editing of 3d animation and CG
There was more he fucked up. I can't remember all of it, I think my brain is trying to protect me by burying it.
he literraly fucked up everything, there was not one thing he did right in that build, he dident even plug in the cables right
When should I upgrade if I regret buying a ryzen 1600?
Just slot in a 3800X and call it day?
I need more ST performance
Off the top of my head what he did wrong:
>put thermal paste on top of preapplied thermal paste
>screwed long threaded screws through radiator, risking a puncture
>put ram in adjacent slots so it'd run in single channel
>put on a shitty charity wristband as static protection
>missed a screw when installing heatsink, letting it hang on by 3
Are you going to host VMs and play on them or what?
Remind me. But Verge not only removed this video, but also had the audacity to claim that people who criticized this video were haters?
Not haters, user, there is.a better word to use in this situations.
>missed a screw when installing heatsink, letting it hang on by 3
my parent's pc is hanging on with 2
Did he even put in standoffs for the mobo?
This was a tech publication where someone had the bright idea during a pitch meeting and said something along the lines of "PC building videos are popular right now, we should make our own" and so 8-10 all got together and none of them thought at all to even watch any of the other already better videos made by far more knowledgeable and competent PC enthusiasts and content creators who usually do this by themselves before making their own video.
This isn't just the state of tech journalism but journalism as a whole.